Chapter 5

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

High school was no different from middle school. The same old bullies followed me, and even brought on alliances to help further torture me. And it goes on, and on, and on, as they even attacked me on social media. That's why I barely use my phone. They spread false rumors about me, that spreads like wildfire, to the point where I struggle to maintain group partners for school projects, never mind friends. I've been isolated, it's a lonely sand planet here for me.

Today was different than usual. The usual bullying at lunch became more extreme, to where they started getting physical. They tackled me, punched and kicked me, and I laid on the floor, defenseless as I would get in trouble for fighting back. They robbed me of my lunch, my purse that held my money, and left me on the floor until I couldn't speak. I was left there, tears on my face and silently weeping while I tried to get up, but the pain in my abdomen didn't let me.

Dismissal bell rung and I went off to my locker to only see that my lock was cut. Odd because only staff can cut a student's lock, but seeing that harsh words in red spray paint covered the blue, metallic door like "dumb bitch" or "fucking slut" made me believe that this the act of students.

 Inside my locker was another story. They ripped up my papers, trashed my locker and on top of that, it looked like mango smoothie covered everything up, which started to attract bugs. Suddenly, more mango smoothie was pored on top of my head. The culprits walked away laughing and yelling "fucking weirdo" as they went along with their day. I started to tremble, my chest rose up and down fast from breathing heavily and trying to hold back tears as I went down to the washroom to grab tissue paper, with the giggles and whispers of others haunting me. "Ha, look at her. I rather die than be her." I walked faster, a single teardrop running down my mango covered face.

I walked inside the washroom, where the girls inside looked at me weird, whispered to each other, and smirked while ganging up on me as I tried to clean myself from the substance that covered me from head to toe.

"Look at her, she's so weird."

"Ew, she's truly disgusting." They whispered, but they made sure they were loud enough so I could hear.

"How can you even function, looking that that?" The taller one out of the three girls said, but I stayed quiet, wiping down my shirt. They all had evil smirks on their faces.

"Excuse me.." I spoke in a quiet voice as I tried to get past them so that I can look at myself in the mirror, but they only pushed me back into the stall by the heels of the tallest girl. The shortest one slapped me, telling me I should say my prayers for trying to walk by them when they're talking to me. "P-please, just let me b-be.." I said in a lower voice than before, letting the tears fall as holding them back made a huge, agonizing bump in my throat.

"Huh? Who said you-" I received a kick to the stomach, and crouched down. "Can talk? Nasty bitch." The other two giggled as kneed the side of my head. The shorter girl clicked her tongue before all three of them left. "Waste of my time." Holding my pounding head, I walked to the mirror after they left, dizzy from the impact. I wasted no time cleaning myself off and going back to my locker to get all my belongings, almost collapsing in the hallway as well. I stuffed the dirty items in my back, going down to the guidance office for a withdrawal form. There's no point in coming here if it means I constantly have the risk of dying. There's no need for me to come if my existence bothers everyone. Might as well call it quits now, even though grade 12 and graduation wasn't so far from reach.

I walked into guidance office, a blank expression to hide the excruciating pain going on my stomach and head, asking the lady at the desk for a withdrawal form calmly. She was shocked at how calmly I wanted to drop out, and eyed my face closely before going to type of the computer.

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