Chapter 31

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*Mark's P.O.V.*

For lunch, I ate a ham sandwich that I packed in the morning in a panic and I was frankly too tired to go outside and wonder for fifteen minutes before spending money at a restaurant I won't like. The sandwich was very disgusting and it made me not want to eat anymore, but luckily, my assistant brought some homemade food with her, carried in a gigantic red and black lunchbox.

She apparently packed "extra" because she was scared that he was going to be more hungry than usual, but in reality, she really wanted to share with me. The delicious, authentic Korean food that she brought was still very warm, and I ate, probably thanking her every three minutes for the food. The other guys looked at me, envious of my actions while they didn't have anything as appetizing as Sooyoung's dishes.

Ms. Kim and I finished five minutes to, and that's when Amy and Aciel walked back into the building. Amy looked a little scuffled up, with tears running down her face and her makeup smudged, it made everyone suspicious of the couple, although they were happy and smiling. Regardless, we got back to the workshop once Sean entered the building again, and everything went as planned.


"And with that, this very successful workshop comes to an end, and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves here. Goodnight everyone!" Sean basically shooed us out of the building as we all grabbed our belongings. I quickly gathered my stuff, and so did my assistant. We went outside to my car, and got in, and I started up the engine.

"How did you even get here?" I asked the beautiful lady in the passenger's side while I backed out of the driveway of the car. She chuckled, bringing a peice of hair behind her ear, slightly turning up the radio to fill the car's silence.

"Took a bus very early in the morning. That's why I'm so tired." She yawned, looking over to her phone to check the clock. It was nearing 8 P.M. and the sun was nowhere to be seen. The lights from stores, traffic lights and signs lit up the L.A. streets, and it was something I could never take in. My city was just too beautiful at night, it's feels unreal.

"What are your plans for tonight?" She asked.

"Oh nothing. I'm feeling kind of tired too, so I might just take a shower and lay on the couch until I pass out." I slowly stepped on the gas pedal, feeling the car move even faster than before. "What about you?" I glanced over in her direction, and she was playing with her fingers. Cute...

"Remember that paper that had to be handed in yesterday? I still have to proof read and photocopy it for Rose. And you know how she is - she'll eat my ass if I don't do it today." The dark haired woman sighed, looking up ahead to the empty road that was in front of us. Ms. Kim basically confirmed her next location, which was the office. And I had no problem taking her there too.

"But you know what? I am in the mood for some cake." She licked her lips eviliy, thinking about the variety of cakes that she can purchase. "Did you know that the left wing's cafeteria has some of the best cake? I snuck in there last week and the fruit cake there was unbelievable." The brown eyed woman stomped her feet excitedly like a child.

"The the cafeterias are closed at this time." I chuckled, knowingly ruining her mood. Sooyoung pouted, sinking into the chair. I must have hurt her bad since she glared at me, probably planning on some way to get me back. Uh oh...

"다시 놀리기 전에 두 번 생각하는 게 좋을거야!/ You better think twice before teasing me again!" The woman in the passenger's seat suddenly switched languages, laughing hysterically when I looked over to her, confusion written all over my face. I didn't pick up anything that she said, I could have sworn she spoke gibberish just now. It's like her words went in through one ear and out the other.

"Hey! That's cheating!" I said, trying to get her to repeat the phrase. The only thing she did was laugh. "Only English is spoken in this car!"

"야! 내가 어떻게 바람을 피우고 있냐? 내가 원하는 언어를 말할 수 있죠!/ Hey! How am I cheating? I can speak whatever language I want to speak!" She yelled at me in dialect, which made it harder for me to understand. And because I didn't know what she said, the only thing I could do was laugh with her. Sooyoung now had the upper hand, but our argument came to an end when we pulled up into the parking lot of the office.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring. I picked it up without checking the caller ID, thinking it was Sean bothering me again to go out and drink with him. Earlier at the workshop, he asked me to stay longer, but I was out the door as soon as he said goodbye. Now he's calling me to tell me that I'm "fired" or something.

"Oh, so now you have time to talk to me? Is it because you're horny?" (Y/N)'s low voice boomed throughout the car, and I was quick to disconnect the phone to the speakers, holding the phone up to my ear. Sooyoung only blinked at me, not knowing what the hell just happened. Holy shit that was close.

"For real? This is how you're gonna talk to me from now on?" I spoke, and heard from the other side (Y/N) clicking her tongue. Beside me, Sooyoung grabbing my shirt, trying to get my attention. I looked over to her, and she mouthed the letters "c-a-k-e" as to not disturb my call. I nodded and got out of the driveway, heading over to La Rouge because who knew? They sell cake as well.

"How come you weren't picking up any of my calls? I tried contacting you the entire day." (Y/N) said, sighing into the phone. "Every single call went to voicemail? Why is that?"

"I was busy at a workshop. Now I'm going to get something to eat with my assistant and then we're going back to the office..." I looked over to to the passenger's seat, and Sooyoung was already out the door. She closed the door behind her, and I finally started to talk properly. "(Y/N), I don't understand why all this matters."

"I don't understand why you couldn't pick up any of my calls. Did you not have a lunch break? How come you couldn't return my calls then?" She said. All her dialogue was monotone, which made me run my hand through my hair in frustration. I could already feel this call heating up. "Why does it seem like something so easy and simple is such a hard task for you?"

"I'm not going to return your calls at all if that's the tone you're going to keep with me." I started to bite back, and by the silence on the other line, I was curious on how she was going to react. "I told you. I was busy with work and now I'm talking to you. What more do you want?"

(Y/N) stayed quiet for a few seconds before talking to me again.

"I'll call you right back." She kept the monotone and that was all she said before she hung up. I threw my phone to the side, turning up the volume to the radio so that I can distract myself from those thoughts. I didn't know if she'd keep true to her word and call me back so that we an resolve this, which frustrated me. I don't know man, things are getting harder than they should be....

After a few minutes, the dark eyed woman came back with a small red and black box in her hands, smiling happily like a little child as she entered the car. Sooyoung tapped on the box with her long, thin fingers the entire way back to the office, anticipating on eating the fruit cake.

(day 5 of social distancing: I've been talking to the spider in the corner of my washroom, seems like a cool guy. how is your experience with social distancing?)

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