Chapter 39

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"Go to the police if you want something bad to happen to someone you truly care about." She hung up the phone immediately afterwards.

I clicked my tounge, angrily calling her back to get more answer out of her because she obviously knew something I didn't. But it was like she immediately turned off her phone afterwards. Every single one of my calls went straight to voice mail, and I didn't even bother with leaving messages.

Pissed off, I threw my phone onto my chair, pacing around my office because (Y/N) doesn't know the severity of the situation. Someone's life is at stake and she's over here making jokes like we're children. The fact that she doesn't think about human life like I and everyone else on this earth do irritated me. Sooyoung could be dead right now, and (Y/N) is doing nothing but laughing, it made me rethink if I really wanted to be associated with her.

But that's something I can think about later. Right now, I needed to find Sooyoung and make sure she was okay. After all, she's someone's daughter, someone's friend, and mostly importantly, someone's love. If something has happened to her, I wouldn't be able to forgive the culprit. That's how much I value her.

The only thing that was acceptable was to file missing persons report at the local police station. And that's exactly what I did. I grabbed my phone and my trench coat, running down the stairs as the elevator was taking to long.

"Uh, where are you going, Mr. Fischbach?" Rose asked me as I passed the front desk, one foot already out the door. She smirked, seeing how I was such in a hurry.

"Ms. Kim has gone missing. No one knows where she is, so I'm going down to the station to place a missing person's report." I told her, and the woman's facial expressions changed completely. Her eyebrows furrowed as she picked up the desk phone, waving for me to go.

"Hey Sean, we kinda have a problem here." She spoke into the speaker, and I picked up on what she was on. Nodding, I exited the building and entered my car, speeding down to the station. It didn't take me long to arrive, but the entire time I was driving, I was busy making up bad scenarios on what Sooyoung is going through right now?

What if it was too late? What if she's already dead? If not, who is holding her captive? What do they plan on doing with her? Are they torturing her? If it's money related, I rather be the one in the culprit's hands. I rather be the one going through the unnecessary pain than an innocent girl like Sooyoung. Whatever it is, she doesn't deserve any of this.

I walked into the police station, demaning I speak with someone as soon as possible. The lazy man at the front desk looked up at me, huffed, then looked back at his computer screen as if I wasn't there. I cracked my knuckles then lunged at the man, grabbing his dark blue button up shirt and pulling him close to my face. The whole station went quiet and bystanders were in disbelief. He was shocked too, but that was the last of my problems. Instead, I stared into the man's soul with a ice cold glare, feeling him tremble in my grip.

"Sooyoung Kim, 26 years old, 171 centimeters with dark brown hair and eyes. She's my assistant and she was last seen three days ago. Write that shit down because I'm not repeating myself again and I swear if something happens to her, it's off with your head." The man nodded rapidly, sweating up a storm at my unfriendly tone. I let go of his shirt and watched his fat fingers tremble as he searched for a notepad and pencil. He was so scared, he dropped his box of doughnuts. He looked at the box, then back at me and I stared at him, threatening him with my eyes. He left the box alone, and continued on the task at hand.

"H-how tall did you s-say she was?" The pale man asked and I clicked my tounge, not believing the situation. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed loudly.

"171. And make it quick." I spat. He scribbled on the note, wiping his sweat and hoping that I relaxed, but I was far from calm.

"A-and where was she l-last seen?" The man's thin lips trembled with every word that came out of his mouth, scared that he was going to tick off a bomb. I couldn't blame him, I was about to burst since so many people think this is something to joke about. It's all shits and giggles until it happens to someone you love...

"At my office. 2776 Wilding Street at a quarter to 9. She said she was going home by bus, so the last spot that I'm certain she would be at is the bus stop outside the building, heading southbound." His hands worked fast on writing down the information, and he soon started dialing up someone on the phone desk.

"Thank you f-for the information. We will inform you if we have any updates, sir." I rolled my brown eyes, shoving my hands into my coat pocket, telling the man to remmeber what I told him before: if anything happens to Sooyoung, he's dead meat. And I never break my promises.

I walked out of the police station afterwards, heading back inside the car. I sighed once my back hit the black leather seats, running my hand through my gelled hair. My mind couldn't stop racing, and I had trouble sticking to one thought. All this is making me act irrationally, and frankly it's making me tired. All I have to do right now is relax, stressing will not bring back my assistant. Plus, I have the police to trust. If anything, finding will be faster since now there's a bunch of people with the same intentions.

"C'mon, you need to relax..." I mumbled to myself as I pulled out of the parking lot, heading back to the office. While driving, the news broadcast that was on started to talk about Sooyoung's disappearance. Exhaling loudly, I was relieved that an alert was quickly released.

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