Chapter 20

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I was too busy starting at the beautiful face of the man that was sitting right beside me to even realize we reached our destination until he took the keys out of the engine. I was deep in my thought about the girl in the picture, I actually got scared when he opened his door. I blinked a few times, and with wide, sparkling (E/C) eyes, I stared at Mark, admiring his perfect face. His eyes, his nose, and lips were mind blowing to the point where I questioned if he was even real. The way his dark brown hair fell lightly across his forehead made him look more like a handsome prince and at that moment I knew, I was whipped for him.

"Hello?" I feel out of my thoughts once again and smiled at him obliviously. "Are you not getting out of the car?"

"This isn't your house?" I undid my belt and left my bag on the floor in case we have to come back out again.

"Yeah, I told you we're dropping something off at my mom's house. Were you sleeping for something?" He chuckled lightly, grabbing something from the back seat. I got out of the car and went over to help him, going through with the lie that I did fall asleep just to make it seem like I wasn't dozing off into my own thoughts. He said he was okay, and I helped him open the front door to his mom's house. Nervously, I entered the house after him, intimidated since I was in a guest to a home I've never been before.

"Mark, is that you? Did you get the things?" A light and sweet voice came from upstairs while a fiery smell came from the kitchen. I took off my shoes and place them beside Mark's asking him if he needs help carrying anything. He just told me to take off the cover since he though it was going to rain. Footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs, which then came to a halt after we made eye contact. I smiled at the woman who fixed her sweater, and she smiled back at me.

"Mark, I didn't know you brought a friend." She said sheepishly, going over to check on the food whose wonderful smell filled the entire house. Mark placed the box that was in his hands in the living room before joining me and his mother at the island. I started to fidget, worrying about the fact if she takes interest in me. "A beautiful one too..." I exhaled a big breath.

"Mom, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my mother. Please be nice to each other." I laughed as I slipped my hand behind him, and pinched the inside of his arm, making him scream in pain and fall beneath me. The older woman handed up both a bowl of rice before taking her own seat across from us. She opened the lid of the pot to reveal spicy braised chicken, and I jumped like a three year old. It has been forever since I last had this particular dish, and it was even more fortunate for me since I was craving something spicy at the moment.

His mom told us to dig in once she placed the side dishes on the table, and glanced at the both of us when she put on her black framed glasses as Mark and I smiled. I looked back at her after a few moments to see she hasn't touched her chopsticks at all, and her dark brown eyes never moved from my face. She didn't blink at all, but I wasn't surprised since I do it as well. She probably was just deep in thought.

"Mom, are you okay?" Mark asked and I placed a piece of chicken over the bed of steaming rice since she hasn't eaten anything yet. His mom blinked rapidly, and the two of us chuckled once she realized her surroundings.

"Oh no, was I spacing out?" She placed her pale hands on either side of her face, slapping herself awake. I could only laugh while I filled with spoon with rice. The woman with dark brown hair giggle while her cheeks turned a bright pink, and began to eat.


*Mom's P.O.V*

I was surprised at the sudden figure that was beside Mark when I came downstairs. All this time I thought he was by himself, but his friend kept very quiet, probably out of shyness. "Mark, I didn't know you brought a friend," I walked into the kitchen after taking a small glimpse at the small figure beside my son. I couldn't see well because I didn't have my glasses, but by her facial structure and her (H/L), (H/C) hair, I could already tell she was gorgeous. 

"A beautiful one too..." I went to check up on the food as the visitor took a seat at the island. I was fuming with happiness, seeing how Mark brought a girl home in so long. But nevertheless, the long period of silence was understandable because the break up with Lucy wasn't too long ago. He was slowly recovering, and I can't blame him. I could only wish that this new friend was one that both Mark and I love with all our hearts.

"Mom, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my mother. Please be nice to each other." The girl giggled when Mark shrieked in pain. Even the girl's laugh was heavenly, she was already more promising than my son's ex. Her name did sound familiar, but I was way too happy to worry about details and carried the pot to the island.

I made some last few adjustments, I got the rice bowls and the side dishes, and finally got myself in a comfortable position to eat. I told the two in front of me to dig in while I put on my glasses, and now I could finally see who this beautiful sounding woman was. While they ate, I took the moment to eye the girl carefully, and the happy smile that was on my face slowly ceased to exist. I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming or anything, and examined the figure carefully once again.

From top to bottom, it was like nothing has changed. Her eyes lacked their shine just like before, her smile remained crooked, and her face didn't change one bit. It was like I was looking at the crying little girl at the police station all over again, like God pressed Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V and placed her right in front of me. Like I was looking at her father in the office all over again.

(Y/N) (L/N) was in my house, sitting right in front of me, eleven years after I killed her parents.

I was extremely confused. Did she not recognize me? Did I change that much to the point where she doesn't remember me? Maybe she does, but she's just not saying anything? But then it wouldn't make sense. Why is she here if she knows who I am? Did Mark tell her anything, or did she say anything to Mark? I should just stay quiet, and let the night pan out-

"Mom, are you okay?" Mark asked, and I snapped back into reality. I blinked, and realized that I've been starting for too long. I looked around me and saw (Y/N) place a piece of chicken over by own bowl of rice gently. My brain had a hard time processing my surroundings. 

What the actual hell is happening?

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