Chapter 22

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*Amy's P.O.V.*

It was very late at night when I unplugged myself from my duties and looked at the clock. I wasn't at the slightest bit done this workload, and I had another to complete. But realistically, I can't finish this all today. I sighed, leaning back into my chair, letting my overstimulated brain take a little break. After two minutes of leaning in my chair and doing absolutely nothing, I buzzed down Rose to tell her this report would need another day because there were a lot of flaws.

"Are you just saying that because you're tired?" The woman smirked through the speaker.

"Yes, I am...." I giggled. "I'll make sure I'll have it ready and printed tomorrow," I said, mentally cursing myself out. I already knew I wasn't going to do it. Sometimes, I don't understand why I make promises, they rarely fall through.

"And what about the second part of it?" I looked up to my computer screen to still see my work email clustered with work. I silently closed the tab.

"We don't talk about that. Goodnight Rose." The woman on the other side of the phone only laughed at my stupidity, and I laughed with her. I leaned back into my chair, not ready to go home just yet because of how cold it was outside. Normally at this time, I'd wonder about the building, and try to enter any of the three open cafeterias. But seeing how no one else is here and how tired my body feels, I figure that it would be more pleasant to just chill in my brown and green seat. 

I picked up my phone and glanced around the room. It was pretty much the same theme inside and out: plants. I adore my plants, I care for them every morning when I enter my office. There's just something so calm and relaxing about them which is why I want to be reincarnated into a plant in my next life.

I laughed at myself and started to scroll through Instagram. My feed was filled with nothing but pictures of my friends and their loved ones, kissing, hugging, gift-giving, it was overwhelming. I hate to say it but it did bring down my self-esteem and self-confidence. With everyone around me having significant others, being happy with them and even starting their own families, I feel like I've been left out in the dark. And I can't help but blame my looks. I'm your basic Karen with the typical short black hair, dark eyes and thin frame with a scary aroma (I'm proud to say this, but a handful of people in the office are scared of me). Nobody wants that. Maybe I'm not cut out for the love life. Maybe I'm destined to die alone, who knows?

I kept on scrolling and scrolling and stopped on another couple's posts. Who would've thought it would be of Mark and his assistant, Sooyoung? I examined the picture carefully. They were standing very close to each other, smiling with drinks in their hands. I assumed it was from this party, and did start to get a little salty inside. Before my thoughts could get the best of me, I liked the picture and scroll to the next one which was ironically an ad for Tinder...

I started to ponder, hovering my finger over the download button. I hated myself for doing just that because I never believed that true love was found over Tinder. I thought true love was meant to have its path, meant to lead its way, not with the help of a stupid app. But now that I realized it, a lot of happy marriages sprouted from these love apps, and maybe I'm just judging a book by its cover-

Bullshit! Tinder is for nothing but one night stands. That app is nothing but people trying to fuck whoever is the closest to them. So many people sign up just to have their hearts broken by those who only want sex. There is nothing on that app that will benefit you! I can't believe-

Going against my conscience, I pressed the button. The blue circle popped up in less than five seconds.


I finished packing up and started to get myself ready to go home. I put on my coat, grabbed my bags and turned off the lights to my office, heading for the elevators. I checked my phone once again to see if the app finished downloading, and it did. That's where I started to get nervous. Who knows what could be waiting for me on the other side of this app? Rapists? Murders? I can be walking into my casket when I open this app, and not even I would know a thing. I took a deep breath in then exhaled, the phone still in hand.

"Death is nothing but a concept created by fear itself to inflict fear into others." I spoke to myself with my eyes closed once I entered the elevator, "we're all gonna die one day, might as well speed up the process." And without hesitation, I opened the app and set up a profile.

When I was constructing my profile, a lot of weights fell off my shoulders. The app wasn't as bad as I was making it be. It created a friendly atmosphere and made me rethink what I truly like in men. Not going to lie, but the first few men that popped up almost made me question my sexuality. They were all the same type: your stereotypical Chad with a Johnny Bravo body, hair swopped to the side and bios like: "not here for a serious relationship" or "only for one night stands". One caption from the so-called Chads went like "thots, come my way" which was followed by a self-proclaimed incel whose bio wrote "BEGONE THOTS", which did make me giggle for half a second.

I shifted through the many Chad's and other unappealing men, occasionally swiping right to those who look attractive. Of course, my journey doesn't stop there - I need to find out what type of personality they have. It would be childish of me to fall for a person simply because their face is pretty. After a few more minutes of browsing and swiping, I got off the app and placed my phone in my pocket because I left that I've swiped right on a lot of people. If I went on, it could have been a huge mess. I waited for the elevator to start moving, to only realize that I didn't press any buttons.

Once I reached downstairs, I shuffled my boxes to my car, sneakily trying to avoid Rose's view of vision. Rose is always the last one out of the building, so it made sense why she was will here at this time of day. But of course, her hawk eyes caught me hilding right in front of her desk. I looked up, she looked down, and we both smiled at each other.

"If you're leaving, leave quietly." She motioned to my luggage, and I got up from the ground, saying bye to her one last time then exiting the building. I'd like to say this was a very productive day, did a lot of work relating to the big project, and I finally took initiative on making my love life a bit more interesting. Once I placed all my bags in my car, I took my phone out to see it buzz. The initial buzz was from my mom texting me, but one second later, another buzz could be felt.

Congratulations! You have a new match!

(AN: Hello! It's me, your favourite author, back from the dead. First of all, happy new years/happy Chinese New Year. It has been pretty busy for me so I didn't have the time to properly say this, but please stay healthy and live a long and happy life. It has been a long time since I last posted- it's been a long time since I wrote anything, and that's because last week was exam week. I spent the whole month of January practicing and stressing about exams, I rarely had time for myself. Every minute I spent not sleeping in January, I was studying. It was hard since I didn't get a little bit of time to myself, but now that's in the past, and the second semester is here! Matter of fact, if you had exams as well, please tell me how you dealt with it. I wanna see if I was the only one who was falling into madness...)

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