Quit making out

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Richie and Bill Chat:

Chill Bill: Hey Dickface, can you and eddie quit making out now, it's kind of distracting.
Demon: Dude just look up a few inches
Chill Bill: I came here to watch a movie, not you and eddie sucking face.
Demon: It's ur fault you chose this movie
Chill Bill: you bought tickets after me dipshit now stop
Demon: Eddie is telling me to put my phone away so we can keep making out, I wonder who I'll listen to
(Demon left the chat)

Bill and Mike chat:

Perfect Bill: Richie and Eddie wont stop kissing, it's running the movie.
Angel Mike: Yeah those two are into some weird shit, I mean its the re-release of home alone.
Perfect Bill: yeah, but then again when are they not making out
Angel Mike: true, but I dont really mind, they are in love after all
Perfect Bill: and they are behind you.
Angel Mike: again true.
Perfect Bill: anyway, you wanna hang at my place after, I'm gonna ask the rest of the losers
Angel Mike: Sure, sounds good
Perfect Bill: great
Angel Mike: Well, stay strong my beloved Bill
Perfect Bill: I'll try.
(Perfect Bill left the chat)

The Losers group chat:

Billy Boy: Do you guys wanna come over to my place?
Molly Ringwald: Sounds great babe.
Haystack: Sure, but I can't stay to late, I have to do my homework
Molly Ringwald: The homework due in four days, ben it can wait.
Billy Boy: you know how he is about history bev.
Haystack: Bills right.
Billy Boy: Aren't I always?
Trashmouth: sorry boys eddie and I are going to stay home
Eds: I want to go.
Molly Ringwald: sorry Rich, he's with us.
Trashmouth: wherever my sweet spaghetti goes, I go.and bonus yall get to see us making out the whole night
Stanny the manny: then I simply must go! There is no question.
Eds: *sighs*
Billy boy: great, we're all in then
Molly Ringwald: What about Mike?
Billy boy: I checked with him, he's coming.
Molly Ringwald: Oh and also, who let richie choose our names in this chat.
Trashmouth: It's kinda my thing
Haystack: He does it in every chat and they're all equally as offensive.
Billy Boy: anyway, see you losers at my place.
Molly Ringwald: Ok Bill.
Haystack: Yeah, see you there.

Stan and Mike chat:

Loser Stan: isn't this going to be awkward
Lover Mike: what?
Loser Stan: Us
Lover Mike: Why?
Loser Stan: because we haven't told them about us dumbass
Lover Mike: Ohhhhhhh yeah right. We could just tell them then.
Loser Stan: WHAT NO!!!
Lover Mike: Now you use punctuation.
Loser Stan: anyway, we just can't.
Lover Mike: We can't hide it forever stanny
Loser Stan: I know, just a little longer?
Lover Mike: Sure, just promise me at some point we won't have to hide it.
Loser Stan: I promise, just until i'm out.
Lover Mike: sure, ya
Loser Stan: Sorry Mike.
Lover Mike: It's all good babe
(Loser Stan left the chat)

Bill and Mike chat:

Angel Mike: HeLp me Bill!
Perfect Bill: Whats up maytee?
Angel Mike: you cannot tell anyone what I told you about stan and I.
Perfect Bill: Oh my god, I'm so sorry but Bev knows too.
Angel Mike: What!? Who told her!?
Perfect Bill: Richie, you know how he is with bev.
Angel Mike: WHO TOLD RICHIE!!!
Perfect Bill: you'll have to ask him that mate.
Angel Mike: and what's with you and 'mate' today?
Perfect Bill: does it matter? And why are you freaking out about this?
Angel Mike: Stan told me not to tell anyone tonight, but I already had.
Perfect Bill: Mehga oof mate.
Angel Mike: I know, I'm surprised he hasn't dumped me yet.
Perfect Bill: Don't say that.
Angel Mike: I know, I know but honestly why did he choose me?
Perfect Bill: How would I know.
Angel Mike: Dude, you usually give perfect advice but this is not one of those times
Perfect Bill: Sorry, I'm a bit distracted
Angel Mike: how come?
Perfect Bill: Incase you forgot, you all are coming over in 10 minutes and my house is a MESS
Angel Mike: Why are you lying Bill?
Perfect Bill: Fine, Bev's over.
Angel Mike: OOOOOOOOOOH, ok then I'll leave you to it, see you in 10.
(Angel Mike left the chat)

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