I'm moving

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the Losers club Chat:
Molly Ringwald: Morning guys!
Trashmouth: yuppers.
Yuppers Mike: You guys are never going to let that go are you?
Trashmouth: I shall not say sir Yuppers Mike!
Eds: you guys are morons.
Trashmouth: you say that now...
Molly Ringwald: Can you guys just chill with the dirty jokes for a bit?
Eds: you know Richie, his personality is dirty jokes.
Billy Boy: Guys, once again, I am trying to sleep, please shut the Fuck up.
Haystack: Big Bill's right.
Trashmouth: well big bill can go fuck himself
Billy Boy: what the fuck Richard?
Molly Ringwald: You guys need to chill out, especially you Richie
Trashmouth: Someone's on their period.
Billy boy: what the fuck dude? you don't talk to her that way, ever.
Trashmouth: Fuck all of you losers.
(Trashmouth removed himself from the chat.)
Eds: Im going to go talk to him.
Stanny the Manny: Ok, good luck Eds. just remember he probably doesn't mean that stuff, he's just hurting... or drunk.
Eds: alright

Eddie and Richie chat:
Traitor Eds: Richie, whats going on? you were acting like a complete dick to the losers.
Late Rich: what is it to you anyway?
Traitor Eds: I'm your boyfriend, and your friend.
Late Rich: apparently im moving.
Traitor Eds: That's why you started being a dick in the middle of the chat, now I get it.
Late Rich: Eds, we're moving to Hawkins, to live with my cousins.
Traitor Eds: What?

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