Tuesday I'm in love

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Mike and Stan chat:

Mikelle: so why couldn't you come?

Stanielle: Reasons...

Mikelle: okay so you don't put ... unless you want someone to ask so what reasons.

Stanelle: history

Mikelle: oooo

Mikelle: history we don't know about???

Mikelle: perhapp romantic history

Stanelle: He's not gay.

Mikelle: he was gay for Eddie so why couldn't he be gay for you?

Stanelle: then that's not being gay for someone, that's just being gay.

Mikelle: my point exactly.

Stanelle: you promise you wont tell if i tell you the history

Mikelle: i promise

Stanelle: so after Richie left we kept in touch, like we texted all the time. Like at midnight i would text him and just be like 'hey' and he'd be like 'hey love' and i guess he was just different with me, usually he would have said 'hey staniel the maniel' or some equally Richie shit. But he called me love. And it meant so much to me that someone actually cared but i never told him that, i wish i had. Anyway we kept talking like every day and we kept growing closer and he opened up to me and I opened up to him and i fell in love with him. I loved him so much. And on a Tuesday he told me. He told me he loved me. And i said I'd call. I never did.



Stanelle: i was too.

Mikelle: STOP

Stanelle: that's what i told myself when i reached for the scissors


Stanelle: i still have the scars.

Mikelle: damn it stan are you trying to make me drown in my own tears

Stanelle: that's what i wanted to do when i realized how much i hurt him.

Mikelle: how did i not know about this

Stanelle: because we were broken up and not talking.

Mikelle: yeah you suck by the way.

Mikelle: luv u tho

Stanelle: anyway now richies back and he's like not over it.

Mikelle: neither are you maytee

Stanelle: I know.

Mike: do you still love him?

Stanelle: yes.

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