I love my smol boy

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Eddie and Richie chat:
Trator eds: Can I come over, my mom's being a bitch again and I need somewhere to go.
Late Rich: Sure, anytime my sweet spaghetti.
Trator Eds: good, because I'm already on your porch.
Late Rich: god I love my smol boy!
Trator Eds: stop or I will turn around.
Late Rich: fine, come in, it's always open.
Trator Eds: too much netflix for you Richo.
Late Rich: there is no such thing!
Trator Eds: whatever, now let me in asshole.
Late Rich: chill out, I'm on my way.
(late Rich left the chat)

Beverly and Bill chat:
Bill Babe: Do you wanna see a movie without Eddie and Rich infront of us tonight?
Baby Bev: sounds amazing.
Bill Babe: Great!
Baby Bev: can I invite Stan and Mike, they are the only couple who don't make out in public.
Bill Babe: Yea, sure. But it wont stay that way for long, they're only like that bc stan has not come out.
Baby Bev: yeah.
Bill Babe: yeah.
Baby Bev: K call me when it's time to go the the movies.
Bill Babe: alrighty mate.
Baby Bev: I'm just gonna leave before this gets worse.

Stan and Dustin chat:
Stan: hey dude, I'm sorry for rejecting you last week.
Dustin: What are you expecting me to say stan?
Stan: I don't know, I guess I just needed clearance
Dustin: you get clearance, I get more hurt.
Stan: what, no
Dustin: there's no point to this, I'm leaving.
Stan: No wait, do you want to get dinner sometime?
Dustin: no.
Stan: ok, good, Mike would have killed me.
Dustin: you know stan, you're a real dick, has anyone ever told you that?
Stan: Fuck you
(Dustin changed Stan's name to Dickface)
Dickface: not cool.
Dustin: that was sort of the point.
(Dustin left the chat)

The losers club chat:
Gunner: Truth or dare, Im bored
Molly Ringwald: Truth
Gunner: who was your first crush?
Molly Ringwald: Oh no.
Gunner: ooooooooooo
Molly Ringwald: Um, it was Richie.
Trashmouth: I heard my name.
Trashmouth: thats number four!
Molly Ringwald: Um what?
Trashmouth: Eddie, Stan, Ms. K and now you.
Eds: for the record my mother never liked you and... well that's it.
Molly Ringwald: who was yours Mike?
Gunner: Bill, dont tell.
Billy boy: this is a group chat asshat, and thank you. I am clearly irresistible.
Eds: who was yours Bill?
Billy boy: I'd rather not say
Gunner: we said ours
Billy Boy: fine, stan.
Molly Ringwald: you're GAY!?!?!?!?!?!
Billy Boy: I believe the correct term is Bisexual.
Trashmouth: Twinzies!
Eds: dont worry bev, hes probably 10, 90
Molly Ringwald: what is that supposed to mean?
Billy Boy: that I'm about as gay as Ms. K
Stanny the Manny: thats not saying much. Eds: WHY DOES MY MOTHER KEEP COMING UP HERE!?!?!

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