I told you i loved you

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Surprise party for Reechie chat:

William: I got the bread guys

Beverly: um... okay, great job bill?

Michael: I'll bring the cake

Beverly: I guess I'll bring the meat then?

William: i got the bread

Michael: Stan you gonna bring some of your good ol' Jewish cucumber?

Stanieal: I'm not coming

Stanieal: and you guys know my full name is just Stan... not stanieal.

William: Wait why not babe?

Stanieal: I don't know my parents named me why don't you go ask them?

William: no why aren't you coming dumbass

Stanieal: wow i went from babe to dumbass in 20 seconds.

Staniael: I'm just not ready to see Richie yet.

Michael: Why?

(Staniael is typing)

(Stanieal left the chat)

Stan and Richie chat:

Hot stuff: so you're really back

Daddy: yep, i mean I'm standing inside my new home so yeah i guess

Hot stuff: I missed you

Daddy: well you never called...

Hot stuff: look, Richie... i wanted to

Daddy: yeah, well you didn't.

Daddy: I told you i loved you Stan.

Hot stuff: i just got scared Richie, that was the first time anyone ever said that to me and meant it.

Daddy: well it was the first time i said it and meant it.

Hot stuff: Richie...

Daddy: goodbye stan.

(Daddy left the chat)

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