Chem hw

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Mike and Will Chat:

Mikey: hey, wahts the chem hw?
Willy: pages 16-32 in out textbook.
Willy: oh and are you going to the dance?
Mikey: I wasent planning to, why?
Willy: would you like to go with me my dear Frogface?
Mikey: It would be my plesure Zombie Boy
Willy: I'll pick you up around 7 tmrw then.
Mikey: K.

The Party Group chat:

Zoomer: Whats the chem hw
Cleric: Gosh, did nobody listen to Ms. Farwald? Its pages 16-32 in out textbook
Paladin: Yeah, I'm sure we were all asleep by then.
Ranger: You all are idiots, idiots with detention, she marks down who falls asleep
Zoomer: It's sad how often it happens and to how many people
Bard: I just can't help it, it's the last class of the day and she talks so S L O W L Y
Cleric: Max's right it is sad.
Mage: Can you guys please shut up.
Zoomer: Ok, sure fine.

Mike and Will Chat:

Willy: I'm outside.
Mikey: Ok, on my way down.

Mike and dustin chat:

Miko the psycho: Dude he's here.
Dusty: Wait, Stan is at the dance?
Miko the psycho: Dude, get here now and ask him to dance before Mike H. does!
Dusty: What about Mike H. he's way hotter than me, I don't stand a chance.
Miko the psycho: you might now but you wont if you dont GET HERE NOW!
Dusty: Ok, ok, im grabbing my shoes and I'll be on my way, chill out.
(Dusty left the chat)

Lucas and Dustin chat:

Lukey: Is max there yet?
Dusto: Yes, but I have to go now, I'm gonna ask stan to dance
Lukey: wait cute stan from chem?
Dusto: Yes, now leave me alone.
Lukey: Ok, fine, bye.

Mike and Dustin chat:

Dusty: he said no, he's there with someone else.
Miko the psycho: Who?
Dusty: he dident say, but probably Mike, anyone could tell those two are together, anyone but me.
Mike the psycho: Don't say that dude.
Dusty: Mike, I'm going home.
(Dusty left the chat)

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