We need to break up.

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Stan and Mike chat:
Lover Mike: We need to break up.
Loser Stan: I would ask why but I already know it's for a good reason.
Lover Mike: You're just making this more hard.
Loser Stan: That was the point.
Lover Mike: Stop being cute! but I can tell you want to know so i'll tell you.
Lover Stan: my Dad found out about us, I don't know how but he wasn't happy about it. he took me up for it, I love you Stan but I can't.
Loser Stan: That's fair.
(Loser Stan left the chat.)
-----2 days later------
The loser's club chat:
Trashmouth: Heyyyyyy guysyyysyyyyy guess what?!?!?
Molly Ringwald: What is it this time Richie?
Trashmouth: I'm gay!
Eds: Omg really, I had no fucking idea Richie, what a total and complete fucking suprise!
Molly Ringwald: What is it really?
Trashmouth: I have a datteeee!
Haystack: tf are you telling us this, we don't care when you and Eddie go on dates, it just makes the rest of us single pringles feel more lonely.
Billy boy: Speak for your self, bev and I are doing great!
Stanny the Manny: Are you guys serious? You like never talk and like never do any couple stuff, you're like not even friends.
(Molly Ringwald changed Billy Boy's name to Big Bill)
Molly Ringwald: We do enough couples stuff for me to know that!
Eds: T E A
Trashmouth: M E H G A T E A
Stanny the Manny: Stop, my point still stands true any you all know it
Yuppers Mike: no, stan, you stop. why are you trying to break up their relationship?
Trashmouth: Mike's right, why are you doing this Stan?
Stanny the Manny: Mike, care to tell?

Yuppers Mike: no, Stan I only wanted you to know about that, that's between us. and please don't tell me this is about monday, I thought you didn't care
Stanny the Manny: Well, I did Mike! is it that hard to believe that I was sad when we broke up!
Trashmouth: HOLY SHIT! you guys broke up!?!?!
Yuppers Mike: this is exactly why I did not want them to know!! Can we just talk about something else now, like Richie's date.
Eds: Yes, Right. now who do I have to beat up for stealing my man?
Trashmouth: Now what are ya gonna do to them Eds, fight their nees?
Eds: I am warning you Trashmouth Tozier.
Trashmouth: Right, sorry. Greta Bowie, but don't worry, it's just a prank I wouldn't actually leave you Eds, ever, mwah!
Yuppers Mike: I love the fact that Eddie just automatticly assumed that Richie would be going on his date with a guy.
Eds: While, no woman could ever stan a chance against this greatness *Motions to self*
Trashmouth: While you must have never seen Greta Bowie, she is a hottie thottie!
Eds: Beep, beep asshole.

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