Spy person.

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Richie and Bev chat:
Father Rich: Howd it go?
Mother Bev: We both ended up crying and almost setting his house on fire with our cigarettes, we both said that we still loved each other and always have and now he's asleep in my lap. Ben can go suck some toes, Bill is great and he was just taking it slow because he didn't want to loose me.
Father Rich: Bev, I'm crying. I'm so happy for you guys.
Mother Bev: thanks Rich, but how the hell am I going to tell ben that I'm back with bill
Father Rich: and that he can go suck some toes
Mother Bev: ahahahah, but seriously
Mother Bev: Shit he's waking up. I'll talk to you later!
(Mother Bev left the chat)

Stan and Richie chat:
Result of Incest: I know you talked to bev, how is she?
Hawt Rich:She's better now, her and bill are back together. no thanks to you.
Result of incest: Why are you acting like this?
Hawt rich: Because Stan, Bev and Bill are my best friends out of all you idiots and you hurt them.
(Hawt rich left the chat)

Bill and Richie chat:
Billiam: I know what you did for Bev and I and I just wanted to say thanks.
Dickhard: It's alright bill, I just hate to see you and Bev upset, it makes me... serious for some crazy reason.
Billiam: that's a first
Dickhard: I am a man of many talents you billiam watch and you may learn some of my secrets.
Billiam: Oh my god richie! you are so generous! how could I ever turn down such an amazing offer!
(Billiam left the chat)

The Losers Club chat:
Molly Ringwald: Is there a reason for that?
Big Bill: god if someone ever read our texts they'de be so confused.
Trashmouth: someone is.
(Molly Ringwald changed their name to Spy Person)
Spy Person: hello young fellow Yuppers Mike
(Spy Person changed their name to Molly Ringwald)
Molly Rinwald: Who was THAT!?!! We shal never know.
Trashmouth: Luv ya bev, BUT HOW D A R E YOU, I WaS GoInG To Do ThAt
Molly Ringwald: ahaahahah sry RIch, two can play at this game.

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