Your fucking boyfriend just made out with mine

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(Back to that ancient time when Richie caught Mike making out with Eddie.)

Richie and Will chat:
Unknown: Dude, your fucking boyfriend just made out with mine.
Will: who are you again, and what the actual fuck.
Unknown: Oh, I'm Richie, that guy who's boyfriend yours just made the fuck out with!
(Will changed unknown's name to Richie)
Will: wait, how did you find this out?
Richie: I got stuck in a very well positioned tree.
Will: good job, like who started it, what happened?
Richie: that dick you call a boyfriend came onto my sweet innocent Eddie Spaghetti!
Will: gees, no need to be mean about it, I'll talk to him.
Richie: You better! That dick face is going the fuck down.
Will: I'll block you, no cursing on this christian minecraft server.
(Will left the chat)

Will and Mike chat:
Byers boy: I know you made out with Eddie.
Hot wheels: How?
Byers Boy: you should be saying that your sorry and it won't happen again so I don't break up with your sorry ass... but Richie saw and told me.
Hot wheels: I'm really sorry will, I don't know what I was thinking
Byers Boy: I can't believe you Mike, I'm gone for one day and it's toung city, population you and Eddie.
Hot wheels: Will, I don't know what to say...
Byers Boy: thats the problem Mike, you never know what to fucking say!
(Byers boy left the chat)

Will and Eleven chat:
Brother Will: Mike cheated on me, I don't know who else to talk to.
Sister El: Will, I'm so sorry. I really thought mike would be the one for you, he sure was not for me, that dude is about as straight as the hairs on his head
Brother Will: some of them are straight, some of them are curly.
Sister El: you point is...
Brother Will: Lmao, but really help me!!!
Sister El: Well, do you want to stay with him and try to forget and just have this knowledge on your hands that he might love someone else, be constantly thinking about itthis or do you wanna break up with him because you can't move past this.
Brother Will: Is there another option?
Sister El: well, think about it... you know Eddie, he's basically you with a different face and asthma, Mike might have just missed a whole damn bunch.
Brother Will: you're not good at giving advice, has anyone ever told you that?
Sister El: Hey I had selective mutism for a while so I haven't done this a bunch, and actually yes someone has told me that, YOU
Brother Will: Ok, I'm sorry, but do you really think I should break up with him?
Sister El: If you think it's the right thing to do then... I think you know the answer.
(sister El left the chat)

Milleven sucks chat (Lucas, Dustin, Max, Will)
Will:Mike cheated on me with that Eddie kid, what should I doooooooo!?
Max: wow, jesus I'm so sorry Will
Lucas: I told you Man, I fucking told you that this wheeler kid would break your heart.
Dustin: Lucas, you can use his name he is your friend after all and you're not some old dad in a western movie.
Max: Lmao!
Lucas: Would you please shut up
Max: Dustin's right though, turn off dad mode.
Dustin: is that what you to call it in bed? *laughing emoji*
Lucas: fuck you Dustin, you little dick.
Will: GUYS! this is about me here!
Max: right, sorry well, do you think you can get past this?
Will: yes, I love mike he just made a mistake
Lucas: quick question why arnt we including El in this?
Will: I talked to her already, she's not helpful. Like at all.
Dustin: Honistly will, I dont think he's any good for you. he never was, break up with him.
Will: you think?
Dustin: tis sad but true.

Will and Mike chat:
Byers Boy: I'm breaking up with you.


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