Eaten by a Lama.

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Stan and Richie chat:

Stanley Uris:good morning beautiful little bean baby

Richie Tozier: good morning...?

Stanley Uris: you said you wanted me to love you. Here it is, take it or leave it babe.

Richie Tozier: ill take it <3

Richie Tozier: thennnn... good morning my cute lil squishie adorable smexy huggable floofy soft amazing cute boy <333

Stanley Uris: aw

Richie Tozier: aw

Stanley Uris: wanna come over so we can walk in the park then make out

Richie Tozier: sure bubba ill be over in 10 <3

Stanley Uris:see you then beautiful babe

Richie Tozier: se you then you little adorable squishy floofy soft boy <3333333333

Stanley Uris: you're a weird boy richie tozier

Richie Tozier: yessss... but I'm your weird boy <3333


Stan stood infront of the mirror wondering wether to wear his blue gloves with his grey coat or his grey gloves with his blue coat. He was already wearing a cream turtleneck with a small black flower sewn in near his shoulder, a nice pair of grey cuffed jeans and black doc Martian's. He decided on the blue coat and grey gloves because of his gray jeans.

Richie lay on his bed waiting for mike to come back with his damn car, mike had made a habit of taking Richie's Camaro to some gay bar or something once a week. Richie was wearing black skinny jeans, a faded Pink Floyd t shirt, a faded black jean jacket and beat up yellow converse. He was certainly not dressed for snow but he did not give a shit.

Stan heard the engine of Richie's car in his drive way half an hour later.

"Jesus fuck Richard what took you so damn long?" Said stan getting into the passenger seat hastily.

"Nice to see you too babe." Said Richie ignoring the prior question

"Oh- sorry i just was worried you had gotten eaten by a lama or something..." stan said looking at his shoes embarrassed

"Stan... hunny... lamas don't eat people." Said richie leaning over to kiss stan before he drove off down to the park.

A/n: I will continue this scene next chapter I'm just sooooo tired and i wanna go to bed but also watch friends so yeah.

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