roger #1

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your back is to his chest, body contained as he holds you in bed. these are the times when you feel most comforted by his warmth and scent: mint and pine from his shampoo. you bury your legs between his and breathe for a moment before speaking.


"yes," he entertains, enveloping his hand with yours.

"i think we should live as hermits, instead."

he laughs, a hint of acidity within it, but you are too tired and calm to care at the moment. "maybe you can, but not me. there is so much..." his voice fades and he places his chin atop of your head, sighs.

"just for tonight, then. no disturbances," you barter, succumbing to the low slip of your eyelids.

"no disturbances," roger agrees and adjusts slightly to give a kiss to the back of your neck. you both settle, curled around one another. his snoring lulls you after minutes of silence and you fall into a gentle sleep.

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