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When we reached the border we were met with a blond man in his early thirties that was on border patrol. He squinted at us for a long second before his eyes widened significantly and he took a short step back.

"What are you here for?"

"My name is Jade Wright and this is my cousin, Eve Wright. We come from the Jade Forest pack."

"Wright? Like, Theresa Wright?"

I was a bit taken aback, but Jade wasn't. She just sighed and nodded, her hand falling on her hip in a way that made it seem like she gets this all the time.

I do not get this all the time.

"She's our aunt. I assume she's come by here before."

"She cussed me out for not wanting to show your Luna to the pack house when I was a teenager. It was during the take over of your own pack house, what are you-"

"I don't really have time for your questions. All you need to know is that we need your help and your Luna owes me a favor so if you'll kindly let me through-"

"I really can't let you do that," he said, stepping in front of Jade as she tried to walk onto the pack territory. 

Over his shoulder I could see a wolf hiding in the shadows. Then another just behind it's shoulder. There were easily half a dozen that were all surrounding us from every side. We had come too near their boundary and he had found the time to signal to his pack.

We are in deep shit.

And you have the power to stop it. Unleash it, Eve.

I can't. You saw what that does to my fur. 

If you don't do something to stop them then they may hurt Jade. Do you want that?

She was right. The wolves were starting to peek out of thier hiding places and crawl towards us. Jade was too enthralled in her fight with the man to notice how they bared their teeth at me and rolled their shoulders back as they got ready to attack.

Isn't her safety more important than yours?

My mind started to race and my wolf took my temporary turmoil as her okay. She pushed me to turn. My clothes shredding into a thousand little bits as I grew fur and changed form into a ferocious beast that was ready to tear apart any being that neared me. The blond man reacted right away and tried to attack me in human form but I was already at his neck, pulling away the larnyx that was of no use of a dead man. 

The other wolves took this act and decided to start a battle. All of them raced from their spots and attacked me and Jade all at once. She changed to help but I didnt need it. When one bit at me another hit me from behind but every one of them that touched me was repelled instantly by the darkness that seeped from my every pore. I was the Nemean lion and they were the people of Nemea and every person that touched me would be destroyed before they took my golden fur. 

Jade cowarded away from me but took the fight to the wolves that had already touched me and were whining in pain a few feet away. The deep sorrow I let into them stopped them from fighting back against the immense pain and soon they would be too incapacitated to move at all.

She killed them off while I stood there huffing. All of them dead after only a few moments of fighting. My fur had changed again, I was sure, but my cousin was alive and so was I.

But now that I was in my wolf form I was open to all contact from my Alpha and he took the chance to send me a message.

Eve Wright, come back home. Your family needs you.

My family needs to stay alive, I replied to him as I looked at Jade who was finishing off the last of them, and they will if I can get this done.


Alpha Mike, I'm sorry but I'm not coming home. Thank you for everything you've done for me.

He tried to reply again but I was already shifted back to my human form. I kneeled naked in the middle of a bloody forest and took the second to imagine what it must have felt like to be a pack warrior during a great battle. It must feel something like this. Maybe some of the warriors even get looks from their comrads like the one that Jade was giving me right now.

"You attacked them."

I nodded, standing up even though I was still naked. I wanted to feel bad for what I did but Jade is still alive and that's what matters. The floor was littered with their bodies all bloody and on the verge of death. I wanted nothing more than to finish them off but by the look on Jade's face I can imagine that wouldn't go over well.

"They were about to attack us, Jade. Someone had to act first."

"But you were absolutely brutal. Not a single wolf from them survived and we were outnumbered three to one."

"Sounds like a great story to tell the pups one day," I tried to kid but she wasn't interested in joking right now. 

I reached down and pulled the shirt and jacket off of the blond man and handed the jacket to Jade. She gave it a morbid look but managed to take it from my hand after a second or so.

"I didn't want to hurt them, Jade. For more than just moral reasons. Now we can't go to these people for help. We have to find another way to Ireland."

"Ireland is the least of our worries. We stink of the Jade Forest and these people are allies with our Alpha. Alpha Mike is going to hear of this and what then? Do you think he is going to welcome back the dark wolf and her cousin? I don't think so."

"I think Alpha Mike will understa-"

"If you finish that sentence I swear to the huntress I'll rip your throat out," she started stomping past me and out of the woods," Come on, we have to rinse all this blood off of us before the civilians start taking notice because I sure as hell don't know about you but I don't know how to say 'just killed eight people' in Greenlandic."

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