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Eve's POV

The smell of death surrounded me. Everywhere I turned it crowded me, blocking out every sense. Erasing every sight. The dark wolf followed my every step. She whispered in my ear about all the beautifully wicked things one can do with the amount of power running through my veins. I cried out. 


Ethan, I need you.

I scrambled mentally to reach out. Goddess, Huntress, Moon, whatever the hell you're called let me talk to my brother. 


Eve? Goddess, Eve, is that you?

Ethan, it's me. I need your help. I'm in trouble.

Where are you? Where ever it is I'm coming. I'll be there, just tell me.

I'm in Ireland. You can't come here. The prophecy-

I started to remember the exact reason I left, but I am weak. Holy hell I just want my brother. I need my family. I need Ethan.

Eve stay where you are. Dad is in Ireland right now looking for you. Can you wait? I'm coming.

I don't know if I can. The darkness is taking over. I just want to see my brother one last time...

Don't you dare talk to me like that, Eve Wright. Ida and I are on our way right now. She's calling in a favor with her friend at the airport and we will be on the fastest flight over there. Just wait for me.

I began to fade out of consciousness. His words no longer rung as soft reminders that there is a better half to my wickedness and instead faded into a cool chill in the middle of the night. The blood of I don't know how many humans lay on my hands and I could feel-

Oh my lord, I can feel that there are more to come. 

My father is in Ireland. My mate is here, too. Jade and Fern are here and lord knows who else. I am not alone but I damn well wish I was. Even my wolf is scared of me now. Who knows what I might do to the people I love.

Emotions the world has never felt before seeped through my veins. They materialized into a black aura, flowing into the world around me. It went through each individual grass beneath my feet and snuck through the ground to infest the world around me. Soon all the trees and bushed withered into a deathly looking black. Some leaves in particular dripped. Whether it is with the darkness or from death I do not know.

The black wolf stood near me. Her smile widened as she started to fade. I looked to her confused and not understanding why the wolf within me whimpered with each eerie look she passed to me.

"What are you doing?"

But she didn't reply to my words. Instead she just put her hand on top of mine and her fingers faded away. Then I understood.

Looking into a collected puddle of black near me I saw. My hair no longer shined the same beautiful blond as my mother and my Aunt Holly, instead it lay a black rivaled only by the Grim Reaper himself. My eyes turned a deep red in response. I no longer recognized myself in action or in appearance. 

I couldn't take it anymore. I keeled over and turned into a wolf. The beautiful blond-brown of my coat now turned into a coal black. I was no longer the wolf I started this journey as. Hope is gone. 

Eve is gone.

My fur stood on end, like a startled dog. I wanted nothing more than to rip apart the first being I saw. My anger festered within me but I couldn't comprehend why.

As I stood alone in the middle of nowhere with nothing but darkness around me I realized that this was how it was always meant to be. I was always meant to be alone because that is the only proper way to die. One must accomplish in life the way they expect to live life and I expect to live life the way I was born to live it.


Let them find me this way, I thought to myself. Let them find me standing alone away from all of them. Let them know that though they have tried to make me like them and to create a pack for me they have failed. 

Eve may have appreciated their attempts but I certainly did not.

And they would know.

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