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Jade's POV

"Where is she," I muttered, following her path of destruction further and further. All of the people were fighting. The streets look like an apocalyptic movie.

Fern clicked behind me, her heels making it hard for her to keep up with my fast steps. My wolf begged me to stop searching for Eve, she would only bring us more trouble, and to turn back to Fern. She makes my wolf very happy.

But I can't.

"Jade, please slow down. Let me call someone. I have many connections and if I can get a signal I can have my people on the look out for Eve in a heart beat. We can find her within the hour."

"It's been three hours. We can't stop."

"It's been three hours," she took my hand and looked at me with those green eyes," we have to."

She's not mate, I know that, but I want to mark her and love her and stay with her forever because looking into those green eyes makes me forget everything my true mate can't be and remember everything that I can still have.

I want to ask about her mate but I'm sure she hurts to think of him so instead I try to turn my thoughts back to Eve. My little cousin with a knack for getting herself into trouble while trying to avoid it.

"I need to make a phone call."


The speaker was a little loud as I stood in Fern's bathroom with the phone stuck to my ear. I bit my lip and prayed that for once my mother would answer.


"You sound awful," I mumbled to her. She stopped breathing at my voice.

"Jade? Jade, baby, is that you?"

"Yeah, Mom. It's- it's me," I wanted to listen to her voice for the rest of the day. I hadn't realized I missed her so much. "Mom, I need your help."

"Of course. Just tell me where you are, baby. I'll come right over there."

"I'm in Dublin of all places. Listen, I need to know if Alpha Mike felt anything from Eve."

"What do you mean?"

"She's missing and I think something might have happened to her."

"I thought she was with you?"

"She was but we stopped at this girl's house and Eve got upset and she stormed out and now half of Dublin is in a panic. We need to find her and fast before something happens to her."

"Of course but- why did you run away?"

"We were looking for Eve's mate. We think he can stop the prophecy from coming true."

There was a long silence before she finally whispered into the phone again.

"Jade, baby-"

She stopped herself and for once- for the first fucking time in my life- I wanted my mom to talk to me.

But she didn't.

Instead she promised she would be there as soon as she can and hung up the phone. Something about the weather rang about in my ears and I almost wished I had called Nova Wright.

She would have asked if I was okay. She would have begged me to come home. She would have been a mother.

Fern knocked on the bathroom door, asking why it was so quiet and how it went. My wolf whined inside me because even though a drop dead gorgeous half wolf was on the other side of that door trying to talk to me of all people, my mom was in Alaska and the only real family I have in the world was hiding her emotions behind a receiver.

I couldn't get myself to reply to her or to leave the bathroom. I've always tried to be strong for Eve and Gwen. They look up to me and I think of them as my little sisters. You don't let your little sisters see how weak you are. 

But they aren't here right now and it's very hard to be strong when you're alone.

My back hit the wall when I leaned back. Tears leaked from the corners of my eyes but I couldn't bring myself to stop them. I slid to the floor, mind and emotions caving in on me as I thought of my mother all alone in the Jade Forest and perfectly fine without me.

I miss my mom.

Fern opened the door slowly. She saw me broken and on the floor. Her mouth didn't say anything but her eyes said everything.

She wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my hair as I cried in her arms.

I want my mom.

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