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Ethan's POV

Ireland is the worst place in the world. 

Legitimately sucks.

I've spent years dreaming about travel and seeing the world with my beloved Ida but the very first time I land in another place across the ocean I am confronted with darkened skies and chilling winds. The beauty of Alaska awaits me back in America, hours away from the Canadian border and so near the tundra I've come to love. 

More importantly, however, it awaits my twin.

I can feel her. My wolf's whisper tickled my ear. He purred his displeasure gently and urged me to the east. Eve isn't far. She never is.

My chest ached but I stepped forward onto the foreign soil. Perhaps I had been here only seconds but for some reason it felt as if I had never left. My wolf urged further action to find my sister. 

"Sir, d'ya want your luggage or not?"

I didn't bother to turn to the man who had manned the plane. He obviously hadn't been paying attention when I boarded the plane.

"I didn't bring any luggage. There's not a single bag on that damned plane. Take a look, genius."

He seemed taken a back by my harsh statements but returned to the plane nonetheless to begin a maintenance check. 

I started walking in the direction my wolf so outwardly urged. The stench of death followed the directions. It got so bad that I had to cover my nose. 

Eve. Talk to me. I'm in Ireland.

No answer.

Part of me was aware my Alpha and father were somewhat nearby but only my wolf seemed to know where Eve was. 

The cement below my feet faded into grass and I continued walking. 

Eve Wright. Talk to me.


 It was the first body. Then the second. 

 But they never stopped coming.

It was like a trail leading me to her. I never thought Eve, my Eve, was capable of something so inhumane. My precious twin, the wrongly defined Wright child. The "dark" one who wasn't capable of anything remotely evil or even malevolent.

And the one who killed so many. 

I couldn't tell what they were or even who they were for some. Blood seeped into their hair until every victim was a red head and faces and bodies remained mauled until you couldn't tell gender nor race. No fur or changed eyes or pointed teeth to define species. It only got worse the further down the line. Anger seemed to flow up from the ground in reminiscence of her touch. One victim, or maybe a witness, seemed to hang by. I couldn't tell him to leave but he followed me without question. His presence was like a light following my every movement. A guardian angel who has lost their ward.

But his presence did not reassure me. In fact it seemed almost ominous in it's eloquent light. My wolf urged me to walk faster. He thoroughly did not want this man to keep up with us.

Eve was close. I can feel her with every step. That simple electricity that occurs when we release our energy erupted inside me like a scream finally released and I felt free. This was nothing like the fear that occurred when this happened in our childhood. This was true and honest freedom. I must feel more.

And then I saw her.

Her eyes burned red and were visible from a thousand feet away. She stood on the top of a large hill, a black empress next to her whispering to my sister, now coated in the red of a hundred deaths. The body of another victim rolled like a child playing on a hill. I remember that we used to play that. The young Eve who pulled her arms in close and laughed uncontrollably as the grass tickled in her nose and she rolled safely to the bottom of the hill was unrecognizable as this monstrous demon stood watching her kill fall.

The empress noticed me first. Or maybe she saw the glowing man beside me. She seemed afraid of the angelic man like I was. 

Maybe she isn't the bad one here.

I stepped farther from angel but in all honesty I was coming closer to Eve. She didn't speak as she came closer but only looked on with those dangerously red eyes. I felt mine change the same in order to prepare for the competition.

I don't want to fight her.

Don't, Ethan. Leave. Run.

I can't.

Moon and sun peered from the sky, watching as the children of the huntress prepared for the battle they had only heard of since their birth. Dark red aura spilled over the edge of the hill and Eve began walking towards me in response. Gold came but not from me. The man stepped with me and his golden light surrounded my feet as I walked towards my sister. The empress opposite me waved her arm and a blond woman appeared on the grass beside me. She looked like my Ida but her eyes were a black like the empress's heart. I shoved her to the side.

The tricks of this woman will not work on me. 

This angered the empress and she propelled Eve forward. She landed on me and as we both hit the ground a scream roared out from around us. Wolves poured over the hills in rapid succession.  I recognized Alpha Mike, Jac, and Jade but there were others who I didn't know. 

Then there was my father.

His scream had triggered the wolves coming for us but it was he himself who launched forward and tackled Eve off of me. His strength from his father's side showed bright as he held my sister down but the compassion of my grandmother was in his eyes as he tried beyond all else to bring her back to his daughter.

"Eve," he whispered beyond the roar of the empress and the screams of the angel. "Goddess, Eve, come back to me."

Tears dripped onto her face and rolled down into her black hair. She stared back at him but struggled for her freedom. Jac came over to me. She turned and kneeled over to make sure I hadn't been injured. 

"I love you. Just please come back, come home. I'll take you home if you just stop fighting me, Eve."

She hisses at him and struggled further. Arms writhing as he held them tightly down to her sides. A man stepped up to my father and sister. Instinct told me to get closer and stop him from nearing them but he looked at me and the sadness in his blue eyes stopped me short. 

He kneeled next to my father and put a hand on his shoulder. He whispered something in his ear before leaning down and kissing Eve gently on the neck. 

After this he marked my sister.

She fell deadly still on the ground and my father got up.

I stood as he neared me, the man stayed near Eve. Tears fell down my face and I hugged my dad.

It's finally over. 

And I still have my sister.

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