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Fern took us back to Dublin in her car. The sleek interior was the most expensive thing Jade and I had touched since we left the Jade forest. 

I fingered the postcard in my pocket. Ethan and my parents must be very worried. Maybe I should just send it.

When we stopped at a tall apartment building she explained that she needed to check in with her friend before taking us to him and that we are more than welcome to share her home with her until then.

We got out of the car and waited in awe as she handed the keys of her car over to the bell hop before waltzing into the building like she had personally put up every stone and brick to build this ridiculously expensive place. The elevator opened up and we started on the very long journey to her floor.

Once we stepped out of the elevator we only had to cross the hall to the singular apartment on this floor. 

The interior of her apartment was outstanding. It was sleek and white and more expensive than the entire Jade Forest pack house. To the left there was a long couch that wrapped from one side of the wall to curve around the other in a seductively soft fashion. The large television gleamed in front of it and on the other side of it there was a small kitchen with white marble counter tops and silver faucets but the table on which she must eat sat outside on the porch covered by the apartment upstairs and sealed in by easily openable glass windows that went from the top of the ceiling to the edge of the hard, wooden floors.

All of it made me very self conscious about the last ten dollars I had in my pocket as well as the three dollar beanie on my head and the t shirt I bought off of a street merchant yesterday when I realized that not every place in Ireland is as welcoming to girls in bras as that nightclub was.

"Please, make yourself at home," she gestured to the door next to the glass porch door. Jade and I shared a look before she continued," I use that room for the spare closet space. Feel free to use whatever fits."

We took cautious steps towards the door and opened it slowly. She must have been alive for a long time to acquire all of the clothing that she had in that closet. I couldn't imagine what is in her own closet.

"This stuff is crazy," Jade whispered as she pulled out a Jackie O style dress that was clearly not from this century. "Where do you think she got all of this?"

"I don't know. Why is she helping us?"

"Not sure, but it can't be for the money. I mean, look at this! This dress must have been from like 1910 and I don't think it was exactly cheap then either."

She laid the long dress on the dark purple bed in front of us and continued to look for clothing that would fit us. She passed me a blue skirt that reached just below my knees and a button up floral shirt that matched and held onto a strapless neon blue jumpsuit for herself.

As I buttoned up the shirt she sighed at me. The hat couldn't stay with the outfit. 

"It's a good thing her shoes fit you," she muttered, throwing a pair of maryjanes at me," I'm stuck with what I got in Greenland."

I glanced down at the dusty flats that she bought with the stolen money. They weren't the worst pairing with the jumpsuit but they didn't exactly match. 

"It's fine, Jade. Let's just be happy she's clothed us. No matter the decade the clothing comes from."

"How long do you think she's gonna let us stay here?"

"Probably until her friend gets back to her. He's supposed to know more about my mate."

"I know, I got that," she said, falling back onto the super plush bed in the center of the room.

The room was exquisite. A large closet made up the entire wall behind the purple and white bed sat front and center with the light from the floor to ceiling windows basking over it in a way that made one feel like a Julius Caesar watching Athens burn from his safe little castle.

The lights of the city below looked more like fires torturing the innocent people the more I looked at them. Make believe screams floated up to my ears in a rather melodic way that made me want to close my eyes and hum along.

Oh, how beautiful chaos can be when sung by the right person.

I looked over at Jade but she was already fast asleep. Her head was lolled to one side and her eyes were daintily closed but I knew that she wasn't waking up any time soon. This may be her first good rest in the 27 days that we were away from home and I sure as hell am not going to ruin it.

My toes were stiff in the shoes she gave me so I kicked them off and slid the skirt down my legs. If we were going to use these if would be tomorrow as it is already almost midnight and there wasn't anyone awake enough to go after him now.

The postcard was still in my pocket and I found a pen sitting on the dresser across the room.


If you're reading this, then I had the balls to send it which is taking so much more confidence than you would think. I left our entire family back in the Jade Forest but trust me when I say it was for good reason. 

I have to find my mate. You heard Mom's vision. If I don't then who knows what will happen? 

Please tell Alpha Mike to call off his reward. There are bounty hunters after us and we have come so close to finding him. I can feel it.

I'm sorry for leaving you. You're my brother. My twin. I love you more than words can express and if this will stop me from going through with what happens in that vision then I would run away a thousand times over.

Stay safe and feel happiness,


I looked over what I had written a few more times but sighed in distress before throwing it in the garbage bin in the kitchen. Fern was talking on the couch with someone and I was going to bed.

It was a long day.

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