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I stayed in the bar, ignoring my wolf's please for me to continue on this destructive path. I thought of my brother at home with his mate. Ida was probably consoling him on the loss of his sister and it was probably working because that's how lucky they are. They have soulmates that will always be able to help them.

I'm alone in the corner of the bar watching a man cheat on his wife with some slut that was behind him. I knew what was going to happen next. The wife would come out of the bathroom and the girls would get in a fight. This is the fourth time this has happened since I sat down.

The bar was small to say the least. Only four walls, a door and a lot of liquor. Thankfully, the legal drinking age in Ireland is 18 so I could get myself something while I watched the show.

Sure, it's almost impossible for me to get drunk with what I can afford here, but the feeling of alcohol burning my throat was more emotion than I could get out of myself in the last hour.

It has been an hour, right? 

I looked at the clock and, sure enough, I was wrong. It had been almost three and people kept coming in and out of this bar in a horrible fashion. I was a vile infection that was ruining their lives and I would continue to do so until I get what I want.

No matter how many people come in and out, that smell remained. That light of hope stayed with me and I just couldn't bring myself to leave that. Even if it is one in the afternoon and the only people here are day drinkers with nothing better to do. The lunch rush is over and I'm here with the aftermath.

My wolf nodded me in the direction of a man at the bar. I brushed her off.

We're looking for our mate, not some sad sap going through Goddess knows what via his seventh whiskey.

Just go up to him.

I rolled my eyes at her. There's no way I'm embarrassing myself again over some bar fly. No.

Eve, you're running out of time. The darkness is taking over you and I have a feeling about this guy. He is mate.

You know, when Alpha Mike and Kian and my mom all talked about finding their mates they didn't exactly say that "they had a feeling". They said it was instantaneous. They knew. They felt an immediate connection and they never wanted to be around anyone else.

You aren't exactly instilling hope here.

If you don't go up to him, I will.

She started fighting for control, my head ached with her pushing and shoving and scratching at me for control over my body so she could go up to this man. I fought so hard to stop her bu-

But I was stronger.

I've always been stronger than her. I do love my human, don't get me wrong, she is just so weak. She can't even get up the nerve to talk to her own mate.

I stood up from the seat she had taken to watch her world fall apart and made my way over to him. He's tall and handsome, even while sitting at a bar stool just after noon. His hair is shorter than I remember but it's the same face.

It's the same man.

"Hey," I said, trying to get his attention.

He looked over his shoulder at me but turned back to his drink before I could get a good look at those eyes. I haven't seen those eyes since they were screaming my name from the edge of a cliff.

"Nathaniel, I-"

"No one's called me that name in a long time. Leave."

"I can't leave."

He turned around fully in his chair. This modern look was good for him. He had traded in his tunic for a grey shirt and a leather jacket. His jeans hugged him in a way that made me want to purr and his hair was short but just long enough to wrap your fingers through. This is my Nathaniel.

"Listen, kid. I'm sure you have good intentions but I don't, so why don't you just walk your tight little ass right out of here and pretend you never saw me."

"I can't do that, Nathaniel. I need you."

He jumped up from his chair, eyes glowing with something else. Eve wanted to back down but I stood face to face and chest to chest with the man I once loved.

"You don't get to call me that."

"My name is Eve Wright," I told him, my voice strong and my eyes black as I stared into his blue ones," but you knew me as Sorcha. Right now, I need you."

I started to fade out, knowing that Eve needed to take over for Nathaniel to trust us. He looked at me with all the pain in the world in his eyes and I knew I was making the right decision.

"Sorcha is dead."

"Sorcha did die. You watched her," I sucked in a fable little breath," I'm her reincarnation and you are my mate."

He scoffed and sat back down, no longer interested in what I have to say. My wolf had given me a good start and I have to follow through.

"I need you," I repeated her words.

"And I need a drink."

He put up his hand to call for another one of whatever he was drinking. I started to panic. I have to do something before I lose my last chance.

"I don't think you understand," I put my hand on the middle of his back, letting all of the darkest emotions- fear, greed, lust- transfer into his," I need you."

He turned to me and before I knew it he was stealing my first kiss.

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