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We pulled up to the sidewalk in the crowded tour bus that we boarded in Dublin. I reached up to adjust my hat but my mind was filled with the sister I can't remember and how she reminded me of the brother I can't see.

We passed a stand that sold all kinds of merchandise. I tinkered with the idea of sending my family a post card but Jade grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I couldn't help the greedy little voice in my head that told me to take it and pushed the cardboard like paper into my pocket.

The beanie on my head helped to keep my ears warm in the harsh winds at the cliffs. Jade and I shivered even with our superior body heat. The poor humans must be freezing.

"I can't believe I used to live here," I whispered to her, trying to picture me running along this exact place with Mairi in my last life.

"Maybe it was warmer then."

We wandered away from the crowd slowly and when we knew no one was looking we used our speed to get far away from them before the tour guide could yell at us to stay with the group. Once we were far away I tried to use what memories I have of back then to take us in the right direction. The sun  was about 3/4 of the way across the sky so I knew our time would be limited.

Everywhere I looked there was  a person who didn't belong there or a store that shouldn't have penetrated such a beautiful place. My place. Sorcha and Mairi and Nathaniel's home. This place where I was free and happy with my family.

Jealousy towards the person I once was warmed my fingers but burned my chest. Jade was looking around, oblivious to the pain I felt every time I looked at this place and didn't see what I so badly wanted to see. 

We walked for hours and hours until the sun was about to go down. Jade made us stop for a little break so she could go clean up and use the bathroom at a bar just up the hill. I stayed by the ledge and watched the water feeling what Sorcha felt.

The water does seem to be beating at the cliffs for a reason but I don't think it's out or anger. I believe it is jealousy. Envy that people adore the cliffs for standing so tall above the water but there is the ocean with it's magnificent self, ignored because even though it has spent thousands of years relentlessly trying to beat down this giant it has yet to succeed.

No one cares about the loser of the fight. It is only the victor who gets to keep the glory.

"Are you looking for some one?"

I turned around to face a girl with beautiful hair the color of hot sand at the beach. Her green eyes looked like the sea water below under the sunset's warm, orange glow. Those wide eyes looked at me with the same pure kindness and innocence that every young woman should have the right to posses.

Such a shame that so few have the luxury.

"I suppose you could say I'm looking for the love of my life," I chortled. She smiled kindly at me.

"Aren't we all?"

My nose twitched as I picked up on  an all too familiar smell. My wolf started up and began to growl lowly, her hair standing up on end and her teeth showing at the threat in front of us.

She simply smiled less and stepped back to look at the sun and all of it's colors.

"I suppose you've picked up on my scent?"

"Deep and woodsy. Like mint found at the edge of a pine forest."

"You speak poetically. So few do anymore."

"My father says that same thing about me. He's a hybrid, too."

"Turned or born?"


She looked over at me, her cheeks gave me a half smile that didn't really reach her pretty eyes.

"Ah, I was turned."

"Would it be intrusive to ask when?"

"It would, but it doesn't matter. I wouldn't answer anyway and I'm certain you cannot guess."

I looked away from her. She is such a strange stranger but I wan't to know more about her.

"Have you been here a long time?"

"I suppose you could say that. Why do you ask?"

"I'm looking for my mate. I know he lived on these cliffs in a past life but that was a long time ago and I'm not sure where else to look."

She turned her head slightly as Jade approached us, her defensive look glazing over her face as she watched the beautiful stranger talk to me. I nodded slightly to tell her it's okay and that she should approach.

"I do not know much about the past inhabitants of this land but I know someone who does. If you would let me I will show you the way to him."

"That would be great," I put out my hand, hoping to get a feel for what she is really feeling," My name is Eve."


She shook my hand and I was let in on the fact that she was feeling only one horrible, awful, nasty little emotion that clouded her entire being;


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