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Tyler's POV

Fern looked ominously happy as she drove up the steep hill that would take us to her "friend" who lived very far away from any aknowledgeable society. Her contact was a man who she described as older than this side of Ireland itself. She wouldn't give us his true name because it was scorned on by the Huntress herself. 

And he is supposed to help find my baby girl. 

Jade sat dutifully next to Fern in the front seat. I could tell by the way she kept nervously glancing at the hybrid that my dear niece was falling hard and fast for her. In a sweet way it reminded me of how I was when I first met my own mate. Nova was so young and beautiful and so kind to a young hybrid who had only known rejection prior to her. Now she's the love of my life and the mother of my twins. My beautiful Nova. 

My beautiful Eve. 

I love my son with all my heart but he doesn't need me the way Eve does. Ethan is strong and set straight in all he does. His mother taught him intellect and kindness that I never thought possible coming from someone who was a product of me. Eve, however...

Eve is passionate and naive. She trusts the people she loves with all her heart but not her own moral compass. Her wolf tries to steer her to self love and inner strength but she rejects it because the people around her have told her for her entire life that she doesn't deserve any of that. 

And now she doesn't believe she can overcome her fate. I have never felt for someone quite so much as my young girl.

We pulled to a stop, Maldeo leaning into the seat just so slightly with the kind hand of Jac on his back. It turns out that even strong young men like future Alphas can get car sick. 

I turned away from the sight and watched out the window. Anyone with half a viable mind could tell that Mike was staring a hole through Maldeo's head. Even if you couldn't I can feel his hands squeeze the back of my seat with incredible force. He is not happy with the sight. 

My phone buzzed in my lap. I was expecting a text from Holly, who had been keeping me up to date on my family back home, but was surprised to find a message from Ida. A message with the caption "he's been up all day waiting" and the image of my son asleep on his mate's lap. 

"You guys coming or not?"

Fern put her hand on Jade's shoulder and shook her head. She whispered to her that she shouldn't invite them to come with. It would be bad enough that she had requested to see him. Too many people will make him nervous.

Jade apologized and offered to stay in the car with her mother and Alpha. 

I didn't say anything as I buckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. Jade looked at her lap but my sister, in the back seat with Mike, watched after me with those big eyes. I always wondered how someone years my elder could have the eyes of a bruised infant. Thalia keeps her secrets hidden deeply and I suppose this is just another one.

The man was standing under a tree. The hill was barren of all life but it did maintain a dirt road that spanned far enough for about a car and a half. Trees lined the road densely and wildflowers crowded the open area. He was a large man, tall with dark eyes that he kept focused on me as I approached. His arms remained crossed about his chest but they really should have lifted to brush the blond fringe out of his face.

"My name is Tyler Wright," I said as I came up to him. He looked a decade younger than me but from what Fern had said he was older than the Wright line itself," Fern says you know where to find my daughter."

"You go by Fern now?"

He was looking past me at the girl who had climbed out of the car and stopped short of standing side by side with me.

"It seemed easier. You can't hold onto the past forever," she glanced back at the car. She doesn't want Jade to hear.

"I guess I always preferred Addison."

She looked away. Her arms crossed her own chest but it wasn't in the defensive way he did. She was concealing herself from him and I suddenly felt the need to protect the girl who makes my niece happier than I've ever seen her.

I looked at her and continued watching her lack of movements until she looked up at me. Hybrid to hybrid I tried to convey my concern for her by allowing my eyes to turn a slight blue shade. She nodded and I continued the confrontation for my girl.

"You're a lycan. Why does a lycan know about my daughter."

"I have no idea who your daughter is."

Emotion I didn't know I had flooded me. I pulled the photo of my twins out of my wallet and threw it in his face. I wanted to strangle him for not being what I had been told he would be. I wanted to punish him for not handing Eve over upon seeing me.

"Her name is Eve Valorie Wright. That's her twin Ethan. She's barely an adult and in no way in control of her powers. She needs her father."

He squatted down to pick up the picture. She remained down close to the ground and studied the picture. A look of pain crossed his face and he closed his eyes tight, putting the image to his forehead. He didn't speak.

"Eve. Of course you're Eve's father."

"You know her?"

"She was living with me. I guess it was a few days. I don't know. Time melds together. She left."

Fern stepped forward. She went directly to the man and put her hand on his shoulder, kneeling in the dirt despite being in white slacks and stiletto heels.

"Uncle," she whispered. It was quieter than when she had whispered in the car. So quiet that I imagine she thought I wouldn't hear. I pretended not to.

"I am fine, Addy. Let me help you up."

He straightened and helped her up. The two stood together and I tried to find some similarities but could not. The man looked towards me then handed back the picture.

"Eve talked about her brother often. This is the first I have actually seen of him, however. Thank you for this opportunity."

"I want you to tell me right now how you know my daughter and what happened."

He stepped forward and stuck out his hand. Not to shake but to show me. It was covered in black lines like a tree struck by lightning. I was in awe of it but was also horrified. I knew immediately what happened.

"Eve found me and I knew who she was. I couldn't admit to it but she is the reincarnation of my mate. When I couldn't come to terms with it we got into a fight and she left."

"I see my daughter puts up a good fight. I hope you understand what you've missed."
"Eve is not my Sorcha," he looked to Fern and she nodded solemnly.

"No one will be Sorcha. Eve may have her soul but her heart has passed. You must learn to love Eve in your own way."

"You will not learn to love anyone if you cannot direct me to my daughter."

He looked up at me from under his dark eyebrows. His scarred hand long forgotten by the look in his eyes as he stared at me. He is a man torn down by a past long forgotten by all but him and he does not know where to find my daughter. 

His mate.

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