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The waitress looked at our table with confusion. We had left a twenty but it was kind of hard to explain that you can't stay to eat the food you ordered because you're being followed while you're hiding in the bathroom, trying to make a plan to escape.

The tattoo under her hear meant that not only was she a scout but she was a scout for a pack and their Alpha wants us to know. 

Which means we are royally screwed.

"Why in the huntress's name is there a scout after us?"

I looked over at Jade as she started her very panicked pace. She was ranting but I was thinking.

Being trapped in the pack territory for most of my life meant many afternoons being babysat by Aunt Holly while my mom was busy with oracle duties and my father was with my Uncle Luke.

Fortunately, Aunt Holly is ridiculously smart and very interested in the dumbest things. She never stops talking about pack policies from around the world. The Russian packs were her favorite.

But these guys aren't Russian. They only ever send out wolves when there isn't another choice, especially after the Ivalo incident.

"They must be from the South American tribal packs," I whispered to Jade as I pulled her away from the door. "If she is then she is very dangerous. We need to get out of here."

"How do you know that?"

"They have to be! What other pack sends out bounty hunters after other-"

"Bounty hunters? What do you mean?"

"That huge payday Alpha Mike offered for us? They want that. We need to get out of here."

"I don't understand. How big was this reward?"

I didn't reply. The price was too big and too unimportant to think of right now.

"God damn it, Eve. Why didn't you tell me how big it was when we found out? This changes everything."

"It didn't seem important."

"I can't believe you wouldn't tell me about this. There are literal bounty hunters trying to send us back to the Jade For-"

"Can we please argue about this later? Like when there isn't a bounty hunter trying to kidnap us? Now, help me think. How do we escape?"

She looked around. The bathroom was small. The only visible way out was the door and that is so far from an option.

"Eve, do you remember training with Tyler? What was it he used to say about anger?"

"That it makes us stronger," I replied, starting to see what she meant.

"How much anger can you give me?"

"A lot."

I grabbed her hand. A glowing red appeared between our fingers as I released as much intoxicating and unrelenting rage I possibly could. A low growl ripped from her throat that morphed into a sound I didn't recognize and her eyes turned pitch black with a dark gleam that burned to look at. She ripped her hand away from my own and attacked the wall. Her punches quickly knocked down parts of drywall and her kicks brought the cement to its knees.

A narrow alleyway appeared before our eyes, Jade still heaving from the effort. Employees were pounding on the door but it was locked.

"Good job."

"Thanks," she said, her eyes still blacker than oblivion," I'll pay you back for this later."

"That's all fine and dandy but lets get out of here before someone finds us."

Jade followed me as I leaped over the stone rubble and raced down the alley. It didn't lead far but we managed to shimmy up the rusty ladder that took us to some fire escapes I would rather not be on without updated tetanus shots.

The sun was setting off in the horizon and Jade was fuming as she ran on the rooftop, her hair flying behind her in a ribbon of pissed off.

It won't last much longer. The bigger the outburst, the shorter it lasts.

I stopped about three blocks away from the newly broken diner to look at the people below. Ants crawling on the sidewalk and one black bob running to catch up to us.

"Jade! We need to get out of sight now."

She looked around before her eyes landed on a large building that gleamed with bright lights. Streams of people coming in and out and the loud noise of drunken joy and loud music flooded the streets.

"Take off your shirt."


"I said take off your shirt, Eve."

I pulled off my over shirt to reveal a bralette and she ripped the sleeves off hers before jumping off the three story building. With an amazing amount of fear I followed, running to catch up to her.

She stopped at the back door of she club and pointed at the man guarding it so I stepped forward and gave him a little fear so we could waltz past him.

The club was sweaty and crowded and the music was loud but Jade took us directly to the center and started dancing. Her body rubbing on others and her smell mixing with their sweat. The anger and rage fully worn off as she pretended to enjoy herself while disguising her true identity from our followers by hiding as a mere human having a good time on a Friday night.

It is Friday, isn't it?

I started dancing with a girl who was a little too tipsy for my liking as she kept stepping on my feet but it was a great vantage point. I was able to look out for the people who were following us and watched in great pleasure as one wandered into the club but was too confused by all the bodies to find us.

My bralette was slipping but when I stopped to adjust it I noticed that the guy Jade was dancing with was getting very handsy. She tried to move his hand away but he got mad and grabbed her more firmly. Right when she was about to tell him off I went over there and pushed him with everything I had in me.

"Don't touch my cousin," I yelled at him over the noise. He looked at me like I was psycho but when he stood up I realized what I had done.

I grabbed Jade's hand and started to run but he was already so mad at us that he was tearing through the crowd. I didn't turn back to look at him until we were safely at the door of the bathroom and away from the mess I had caused.

Thankfully he was stopped by a very large man and his friend after he had barreled through and just like that I had turned the club into a moshpit.

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