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The bathroom of the animal rehabilitation center was cold and the lock was weak but I saw no other choice but to hide in there until I found another way out. It was a crappy little bathroom with flickering lights and a single window that had bars covering it, not that it was very big anyway. I might be able to wiggle out of it but not dressed and not safely.

The bathroom offered nothing as a weapon to get out and my phone had been lost during that fight.

Maybe I'm being paranoid. They might not even care about the reward. They might not even speak English.

You know for a fact that one man does.

But he helped us. Why would he tell my family where I am?

Humans will do anything for money. You never know who he might tell.

We can trust him. He's a good man.

You need to get rid of him, Eve. He might stop you from getting to your mate.

The way my wolf said "mate" took me back to my vision. He was so beautiful with his flowing, blons hair and those wonderfully dark blue eyes that stared down the abys that I fell into. His jaw was so chiseled but his smile was missing and what replaced it was the most horrified look of despair as his one true love was washed away by the waters below.

He was so beautiful, wasn't he? He's out there, Eve, he's waiting for you and this man is going to stop you from getting to him.

Stop it.

Imagine if he did call Alpha Mike. You came so far only to have him stolen from you at the last second.

I-I.. Stop.

If you go out there and take care of him now then you won't have to worry about that.

I thought I told you to sto-


I turned around to see Jade walking into the room with a vet outfit on. I can't say its the most flattering thing I've ever seen it in but it will be enough to get us out of here.

"Did you see the NEWS?"

"No, why?"

"Jade, they're looking for us." She rolled her eyes but I took her by the shoulders. "No, you don't understand. Luna Lacey has a reward out for any information regaurding either of us with the general public of Greenland completely aware of our appearances and names. We need to leave Greenland now."

Her eyes widened with understanding before she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a wallet that eas fat with cash.

"I stole it from someone's locker in the break room. It's not much but it just might get us on the right track."

"It's perfect."

We snuck out of the bathroom and went through the back to get me something else to wear. We walked out of there in some random person's clothing. Me in a very large hoodie and jeans and her in a skin tight long sleeved shirt and dress pants. Neither of us were able to find shoes so we had to head to a nearby store and buy some.

While listening to Jade complain about the loss of money-even though we bought the cheapest ones in our sizes- we managed to get plane tickets with a very questionable man who was going over to Ireland in his private plane "just for fun" and would absolutely love to show Jade and I around when we land.

Jade was more into it than I was because that shirt she got showed off more than enough cleavage and she forced me to cut off more than half of my sweater to show some under boob.

She called it enticing.

I called it a horrible idea.


The interior of said plane was quite nice. It was sleek and cream colored with black accents along the rims of the walls and the cushiony seats where my cousin draped herself over that trust fund baby with her fingers tangled in his stupid hair that caught on an earring that probably cost more than my entire high school.

It was a crappy high school.

"Why doesn't your friend join us," murmured into her ear before nipping at the lobe.

"I don't know. Ashley," she called my fake name with a smile," come over here. Zach wants you, too."

I raised my eyebrow at her before laying back down on the long couchlike seat that was across from them. I pulled my arm across my eyes and tried to ignore my cousin.

"Come on, Ash. Zach's been so nice to us. Be nice to him."

"How about no, Lil?"

Zach didn't seem to like that much. I could hear him fuming to Jade even when I was trying to block them out. Jade kept trying to get me to come over to him and eventually I gave in and stood up.

His eyes perked with joy as I took those few steps to him and basically mounted him with one leg on each side of him. Jade moved away as I stroked his face.

"That's better," he whispered as he leaned in for a kiss.

I tried not to smile as I kissed him gently and released a decent amount of shame into his body. When I pulled away and climbed off to head to the cockpit to talk to the captain to see how much longer it would be while Jade stayed on the seat to listen to him cave in on every horrible, disgusting thing he has ever done.

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