Author's Note

576 24 9

This is it, guys.

I know this may not be the ending you lot had in mind but this is the ending I have to offer. It's fitting for the personality of the characters and this is just how it went.

I didn't really have a song for Eve and Nathaniel like I did for everyone else. I did, however, have this one.

Eve spent her whole life wishing she was good enough for everyone else. Wanting to be like the rest of the pack and for what? She was shunned. An outcast.

I just want to remind you guys that even if you feel like you're an outcast and you don't belong that you will always have a place in this world. You may have to make your own, like Eve. Or maybe you have friends and family who remind you of your place, like Holly. Maybe you're more like November and you have that one person willing to go to the ends of the Earth to remind you that you aren't alone. Or Lacey where you have to show who you really are and who you can be to find your place.

Maybe you're like Nova and in the end you find there never was a place more suited for you than home. You just need to find it.

This is my long and winded way of saying the Jade Forest Series gave me a home when I need it. The Wattpad community gave me a home.

So thank you.

If you ever need anything my DM is always open and if I don't reply here please DM my insta (dautra_innoxia). I promise to be there for you as you have all been here for me.

Thank you for more than you know,

Caitlyn Smith

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