4. Telling Him

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Daniel 💜

I found out a few days ago that I'm pregnant but I haven't told Daniel yet as he has been busy. I've been figuring out a special way to tell him. I just don't want to tell him like I would tell him anything else. I want it to be special as it's a special moment in our lives, becoming parents. So I've been out to the store and bought some things like balloons and banners and I'm going to decorate the lounge and tell Daniel in that way when he comes over tonight to my place. Can't wait to see his reaction. I know he will be happy. Daniel is due to arrive soon so I'm busy getting set up ready to tell him I'm pregnant. I've left the door unlocked so he can just walk in. I blow up some balloons and hang up a banner. I'm ready just in time as the door opens and Daniel walks in. He was astonished to see everything. "Hey, baby. What's this?" he said. "Hi, babe. Well what do you think?" I reply. Daniel freezes for a moment. "Are you pregnant?" he asks. "Yes I am" I reply. "Ahhhhh that's amazing, babe. I can't believe it. I'm going to be a daddy" Daniel screams picking me up and spinning me around. "I'm so happy, babe. I really wanted to tell you in a special way" I say. "It's so special, my love. Just like you and our baby" he smiles. Daniel gives me a kiss. I'm so happy I surprised him in that way

Corbyn 💙

About a week ago I found out I was pregnant. I haven't told Corbyn yet as he only got back from Australia yesterday and he was completely exhausted from the super long flight. I didn't want to tell him as soon as he got home as he was shattered. Now that he's been back a day, I'm planning on telling him tonight after dinner. Corbyn and I are making dinner together. We are making dinner. We are making a stir fry. It's one of our favourite home cooked meals to cook together. We never have too many spices. Corbyn and I love cooking together. "It's smelling so good, babe" he said. "It is. Can't wait to eat it" I reply. Soon the stir fry was ready so we could sit down and eat it. We sit at the kitchen table and tuck into our delicious homemade stir fry made by us. Corbyn keeps on smiling at me from across the table. After dinner we wash and tidy up and then sit together on the couch and cuddle. "Baby, I'm so glad to be home with you" he smiles. "I'm so happy that you're home, my Bean. I've missed you so much" I reply. "I missed you more, sweetie" he said kissing my cheek. So Corbyn and I sit and cuddle together for sometime but I feel like a really need to tell him our baby news like right now. "Corbs, I have something I need to tell you" I say. "And what's that, baby" he asks. I look at him and say "I'm pregnant. I've known for about a week now and I wanted to tell you when you were home and rested" I say. Corbyn's face lights up as I tell him. "Yessss. No way. You're pregnant, honey. I can't believe it. I'm so happy. We are finally having a baby" he exclaims. "I know, baby. I'm so happy to. I knew you would be. This is what we've always wanted" I say. "It sure is. We are having a baby, baby" Corbyn said throwing his arms around me and kisses me on the lips. Corbyn and I are so so happy to be having a baby together. Cannot wait

Jonah ❤️

In the early hours of the morning I was feeling unwell so I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive so I'm pregnant. I haven't told Jonah yet as he's been out at the studio all day working hard on more new music with the boys. I will probably tell him tonight when he gets back. I decided to do something different and a but some little baby shoes and put them in a box and I'm gonna give it to Jonah to open. He's gonna be so surprised when he opens the box with a little pair of baby shoes on. Awe I think that's a really cute idea I came up with. I'm currently waiting for Jonah to arrive home in our shared apartment. I'm sitting on the couch waiting for time to pass for him to be home. He texts me and tells me he's on his way and that he'll be here soon. Can't wait to tell him our baby news when he's home. About 20 minutes later the door of our apartment opens and Jonah walks in with a smile on his face happy to see me after a long day. "Hey, honey. I'm home" he said. "Hey, babe. How was your day?" I say. "It was great but I'm happy to be home to my most favourite person in the world" Jonah says. "I know. I've missed you" I say. He comes over to me and gives me a hug. Jonah goes into our bedroom. When he comes back I'm going to give him the surprise and reveal to him our news. I grab the box from the coffee table. He comes back a good 10 minutes later in a fresh outfit. He sits next to me on the couch. "I have a little something for you" I say. "But it's not my birthday or anything" Jonah replies. "I know but just open it please" I say. "Okay I will" he said. I hand Jonah the box and he opens it up. He looks surprised but happy to see the pair of baby shoes sitting in there. "Is this your way of telling me you're pregnant?" he asks. "Yes it is. I'm pregnant, baby" I say. "OMG that's amazing. I can't believe it. I'm going to be a father. Yessss" Jonah says. "You are and I'm going to be a mother" I reply. "When did you find out?" he asks. "In the early hours of this morning as I wasn't feeling well and I thought I could be pregnant and it turns out I was" I reply. "That's amazing. In the happiest man in the world right now" Jonah said. He pulls me in and kisses me on the lips. We are both so over the moon

Jack 💚

I haven't told Jack I'm pregnant yet and I found out a couple of weeks ago with my sister. I've been figuring out the right time to tell him when he's not busy. He's always busy but when he's not super busy I mean. Can't wait to tell him. I'm happy and I know Jack will be. I had mixed feelings a first but I'm very happy now and can't wait to tell him. Tonight I have a plan to tell Jack. I'm gonna ask him to come over to my place and I'm going to take him out to Carter's my favourite baby store and yeah it's different but that's how I'm going to reveal to him I'm pregnant and I can't wait. Jack will be arriving soon so I get myself ready. He will probably be confused when I fell him we're going out. I hope he doesn't get his hopes up and think we're going out for dinner but I'm going to blindfold him so he doesn't know where we are going as I don't want him to. Anyway I see Jack's car pull up outside my house so I jump up excitedly and open the door. "Hey. Someone seems very happy" he said. "Hey, Jacky. I am. That's because I'm taking you out so let's go" I reply. "Oh okay where are you taking me?" Jack asks. "It's a surprise" I say. We get in my car and I blindfold him. "Wait. What? Why are you blindfolding me, Y/ N?" he questions. "You'll see soon" I reply. I drive to Carter's and we arrive soon. I stop the car. "Are we here?" Jack said. "Yes we are. Just a minute" I reply. "Can I take this off?" he said. "No not yet" I reply. I come round to his side of the car and get him out of the car and we walk into Carter's together. I remove his blindfold and he looked really confused that we were stood in a baby store. "What? Why are we here?" Jack asks. "Ummm well because I happen to have a surprise for you, Jack Avery" I say. "Okay" he said. "We are having a baby. I'm pregnant" I reply. "Seriously?" he said. "Yes I am and I thought it would be cool to bring you here and surprise you in that way" I reply. "That's great. I'm really happy for us, Y/N. I'm gonna be a dad" Jack said wrapping his arms around me and kissing me. So I've told him I'm pregnant in a unique way and we are both really happy

Zach 🧡

I've been waiting to tell Zach I'm pregnant for quite sometime now but haven't fling the right moment or time to tell him. I want to tell him in some sort of special way so today at work I decided to make him a card saying 'Zach, you're going to be a father'. It's plain on the outside with a crappy drawing of the two of us that I did but I've decorated it on the inside to make it special. The card is pink as it was the only decent sheet we had left at work so I hope it doesn't confuse him too much. Zach is picking me up from the nursery I work at today and taking me back to the WDW house. Can't wait to see him and give him the card that reveals I'm pregnant to him. I grab my bag and leave work when my shift had finished and see Zach waiting outside for me in his car. He smiles and waves to me. I get in the passenger side. "Hey, sweetheart. How was work?" he asks. "Hi, babe. It was good thanks" I reply. Zach leans in and kisses me. I'm going to tell him when we pull up outside the house. We listen to the radio and talk about our day. When we pull up outside the WDW house I look at Zach and say "Zachy, I made something for you" I say. "Ohhhhh okay. Cool" I reply. I reach into my bag and pull out the card. I hand it to Zach. "That's us" he said. "Yeah I know but look inside" I reply. "Zach, you're going to be a father. What are you pregnant, beautiful?" he said. "Yes I am" I smile. "Well that's great. Does the pink card mean we are having a girl" he asks. "No it's just what we had left" I reply. "I hope we have a girl as I've always wanted a little princess to spoil" Zach said. "Yeah me too" I reply. So I think Zach was happy to find out that we are having a baby. I'm happy even though we are only going

Q: What was your favourite pregnancy reveal?
I love them all but I really like Jack's as its kinda different

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