32. Baby Comes Home

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(A/ N: as you know Jack's baby was born at home so his part is a little different)

Daniel 💜

Baby Teddy was born yesterday morning and Daniel and I are taking him home. He is doing adorable and we love him. We have been given the all clear from the hospital to go home and we can't wait to take him home. It's around 8:30pm and Teddy is a day and a half old. Daniel and I are getting our stuff together ready to take Teddy home. I put him a fresh diaper on and put him in his going home outfit. His going home outfit is an adorable fleecy bear zip up onesie. We thought it was adorable and very apt since his name is Teddy. I know it's summer but you should always keep a newborn warm. He's only wearing a onesie underneath. I dress Teddy while Daniel gets our stuff ready. "Are you all ready to go home, little man?" Daniel said. "He is. He's ready to go home for the first time. Doesn't he look adorable in his outfit" I say. "So adorable. That's my boy" Daniel said. Daniel lifts Teddy into his car seat and we leave the hospital a few minutes later. We walk out gradually and get in the car and drive home. Can't wait to get him home. Teddy looks so adorable in his going home outfit

Corbyn 💙

We are taking our baby girl Astrid home from the hospital this morning. She is two days old and is doing great so she can come home from the hospital. She was born just in time for Corbyn arriving. He was away and I went into labor a few days early. That's when Astrid was born. Can't wait to take her home to our lovely house. I just fed and changed her so she should be good till we get gone. I have selected out a cute outfit for Astrid to travel home in. It's a mint green onesie with her initials ACB on and a pink bow in her hair and a fur jacket too that my mom got her. She looks so cute in it. Corbyn wanted to dress her so he does so. "Come on, baby girl. Let's get you dressed" he said lifting Astrid out of the hospital crib. He lifts her into the bed and starts dressing her. I get myself ready and make sure we've got everything so we are good to go. "There we go all done and don't you loon adorable, angel" Corbyn said to Astrid in his baby voice. I smile. He picks me up and kisses her and gently lifts her into her car seat. "So have we got everything, babe?" Corbyn asks. "Yeah I think so" I reply. "I'll just have another look" he said. Corbyn looks around and we haven't forgotten anything which is good. We are good to go them. He carries Astrid out in her car seat. She has gone off to sleep. We make our way out of the hospital and to the parking lot. Can't wait to get our little princess home

Jonah ❤️

The twins are now a few days old and they are finally coming hone from the hospital today. They were kept in a few days and it was a difficult birth and I had an emergency c second too which I had to recover from. I'm still sore from it now but it'll get better. We are getting Lauren and Luke ready to go home. We have got them cute little matching outfits to go home in. Jonah and I dress one twin each before they were ready. His parents are waiting outside for us and they are going to help us get them home. We wrap them up in blankets when they were dressed. "Babies, we are about to get out of this hospital and we are going to go home. Can't wait to show you where you'll be living" Jonah said to the twins. Carrie comes in to help us with all our stuff as we have a lot with having two babies. "Hey, guys" she said as she walked into the room. "Hey, mom" Jonah said. "Hey, Carrie" I say. "How are my adorable grand babies?" she says. "They are good. They are ready to get home" Jonah replies. Jonah carries both the twins in their car seats while me and Carrie grab the stuff. They only let me carry light things as I'm still sore. We leave the hospital room and get the elevator to the parking lot where Tim is waiting in the car. "Hey, guys" he said. "Hey, dad" Jonah said. "How are the little ones?" Tim asks. We get the twins strapped into the car and the stuff in the trunk. Then we got them home

Jack 💚

Baby Joe was born a few days ago at our apartment and Jack and I are loving being parents to me. He's such a sweet and adorable baby. With him being born at home, it means that we don't have to make that awful trek from hospital. I'm glad I decided to have a home birth as it was much more relaxing and less stressful of course. Baby Joe is doing great. He's the right size and weight for a newborn. Baby Joe is asleep in his room. Jack and I walk in quietly walk in trying not to disturb him. We stand by his crib and watch him sleep. "He looks so adorable when he's sleeping. Damn I'm such a proud daddy" Jack said. "He does. He's just so adorable. Definitely has the looks of his father" I say. "Hmmm I know, babe. He's a little mini me. I've always wanted a kid who looks like me" Jack replies. "I know and he does" I reply. "He's my boy. My adorable boy. Our adorable boy actually" he said. "He is. Our little Joseph" I reply. "Babe but he said we are never gonna call him Joseph" Jack said. "Oh yeah I remember. Our little Joe" I reply. Jack smiles and puts his arms around me and kisses me. We watch Joe sleep for a few more minutes and then we leave him in peace

Zach 🧡

Zach and I have just left the hospital with baby Emily. She has spent a few days in the hospital as she was born with fluid on her lungs so they needed to keep on eye on her for a few days but she's finally be given the call clear and we are taking her home for the first time. Zach and I have been worried sick since Emily was born. We thought we were gonna loose her but thank God we didn't  and she's pulled through now. Our prayers have been answered. Zach is driving us home from the hospital. I'm sat in the back with Emily. It's safer when travelling with a newborn that you sit with them. Zach drives slowly as it's Emily's first time in the car and she's sleeping too. I keep my eye on her till we get home. We get home soon and park up on the driveway. My mom made room for us. Zach brings Emily in and I bring some of her stuff. "Here we are, baby girl. You're home. This is your home" he said taking Emily up to her room. "This is your princess palace" I say. Zach lifts her out of her car seat and cradles her. We bring the rest of her things in later when we got Emily settled in. It's great to be home with her after all these days

A/ N: So the babies are home now. The next part coming follows on from this

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