40. Date Night

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Daniel 💜


Y/ N and I are going out on a date night tonight. We are going to our favourite Italian restaurant for a nice romantic meal. My parents are babysitting Teddy tonight for us. Me and Y/ N haven't had any time together since Teddy came into the world so we can't wait. Also I'm going to propose to Y/ N tonight. I've been wanting to do it for a while but obviously Teddy came along and he has been our priority for almost the last two months. Y/ N and I are about ready to go out. "So we're about to leave. See you soon" I say. "Have fun, sweetie" mom said. "Bye, baby boy" Y/ N says to Teddy. I take Y/ N's hand and we walk out of the door together and get in the car. We arrive at the restaurant soon. We walk in and get seated at a table. "This is where we came when we found out I was pregnant" Y/ N said. "I know that was so special. I loved that" I reply. Soon we order and the food comes. Y/ N and I tuck in and enjoy our meal at our favourite restaurant. We decided to get hot chocolate fudge cake to finish off and share it. I think this might be the perfect time to pop the question to Y/ N. "Y/ N, there's something I need to ask you" I say going over to her. "Y/ N, I love you so much. You are the most amazing girl in the world and the mother of my child. I have been wanting to ask you this for a while. Will you marry me, Y/ N?" I ask. She stands up and gasped and replies with "Yes of course I will marry you, Daniel. I love you so much" she said. I stand up and smile placing the ring on her finger and kiss her. We had the perfect date tonight and Y/ N said yes

Corbyn 💙

Tonight me and Corbyn are going on a date. We are going for a picnic tonight by the lake. My mom is looking after Astrid for the night so me and Corbyn can have sometime together. It's been hard work being parents for the last month and a bit but we love it. We love being parents to our little girl. She is so amazing and we are so blessed to have her. We are going out soon. My mom is already here to look after Astrid. Me and Corbyn can't wait for sometime together tonight. "You look beautiful, baby" Corbyn said walking into the bathroom where I'm getting ready. "Thank you. You look really handsome, baby" I reply. "Can't wait for our little date tonight, honey" he said. "Me too. I'll be ready soon" I reply. Soon Corbyn and I were ready to go. My mom is feeding Astrid just before we leave. "Bye bye, little girl. Mommy and daddy will be home soon" Corbyn said. "You two have fun. Me and little Astrid will be just fine" mom said. "We will. We'll call you when we're on our way home" I reply. Corbyn grabs the picnic basket and we leave and get in the car and drive to the lake. Soon we arrive at the lake and it was really calm, peaceful and quiet. It's a beautiful evening. "It's nice and peaceful for us" Corbyn said as we get out of the car. We walk and find somewhere to sit and tuck into our picnic. We have packed sandwiches and some of our other favourite foods. We sit close together and tuck in. "Are the sandwiches good" he asks. "Yes they are" I reply. When Corbyn and I had eaten we sit close together by the lake with our arms around each other. We share a lot of kisses and cuddles. "This is so nice. Just to spend time together. Just the two of us" I say. "It is. But I miss our little princess at home. We need some time together just the two of us every now and then" Corbyn replies. "We do" I reply. He smiles and pulls me closer and kisses me. Corbyn and I had an amazing date night. It was lovely to spend sometime together. We returned home to baby Astrid after a couple of hours

Jonah ❤️

Jonah and I are going out for a date this evening. We haven't had any time alone since the twins came into the world but we are going to do tonight and we can't wait. We are going out to the park this evening just for a walk around, an ice cream and sometime together. We won't be home too long but it will be nice to have sometime together. Jonah's parents have offered to look after Luke and Lauren tonight so the two of us can have sometime together. His parents are arriving soon but both of us are more or less ready to go. Everything is handy for the twins. Milk is in the fridge and I have clothes laid out for them. Jonah's parents can give them a bath if thy want. "Mom said they will here in a few minutes" Jonah said. "Great. Can't wait but I'll be sad to leave these little ones" I reply. "Yeah me too, babe but we won't be gone too long" he replies. Soon there was a knock on the door and Jonah's parents are here. "Hey, mom. Hey, dad" he said giving both his parents a hug. "Hey, sweetie" Carrie said. "Hey, son" Tim said. "So we will be back soon. Have fun with the twins" Jonah said. "You two have fun. Take as long as you need. I know you two need this" Carrie said. We leave and get in the car and to the park where we are going tonight. Soon we arrive and it's a beautiful evening. We get out of the car and Jonah and I stroll around the park for a while longer. "This reminds me of old times, babe. Like when we just started dating" Jonah said. "Yeah I know right. Brings back happy memories" I reply. "Sure does" he replies. So we walk around for a while and get ice creams. "I can't believe we are engaged and parents to beautiful twins now" Jonah said. "I know. It's unbelievable but in a good way of course" I reply. "Yes it is" he smiles. I rest my head on Jonah's shoulder and he kisses me. We had a fantastic date night tonight in the park. We missed the twins but it was amazing to have sometime together

Jack 💚

This afternoon Jack and I are going out together. We are going to have a fun afternoon bowling together and then probably out for something to eat afterwards. We just up do that once upon a time, well before we became parents to Joe. Sydnie, Jack's older sister is babysitting baby Joe today while Jack and I go out. We can't wait to have sometime together. Sydnie is coming over soon to look after Joe. Jack and I are waiting till she arrives of course. I have just fed and changed Joe so he should be good for a while. Everything is handy if Sydnie needs to feed or change him. I get changed into a casual outfit for going out. I wear jeans with a top and sneakers. First time I've worn my normal clothes since giving birth to Joe. Feels good not to wear maternity clothes anymore. "Ummm you're a sexy mamma, babe" Jack said putting his arms around me. "Thanks. You're a sexy papa" I reply. "Oh yeah, babe" he said. Soon Sydnie arrives so Jack and I could get off and have some fun together. "Look after him well, Syd" he said. "I will. I know how to handle babies, Jack. Especially my own nephew" Sydnie said. We arrive at the bowling alley soon and start bowling. Jack and I had one of our first dates here when we first started dating. He always beats me. We start bowling and Jack wins in the end. "Good game, babe but i always beat you" he said. "Yep you do" I reply. So when we had been bowling Jack and I go for our favourite diner for a nice meal. We really had a great date night together but we missed little Joe at home

Zach 🧡

Me and Zach are going out to the movies tonight. We are going to see the new Star Wars movie. Zach and I are both avid fans of Star Wars and we are looking forward to seeing the new movie. My mom is looking after Emily tonight for us while we go to the movies. Since Emily was born Zach and I haven't had anytime together so we can't wait for tonight. My mom lives with us so she's already there looking after Emily while me and Zach are getting ready. "Can't wait for tonight, babe. I'm really excited to see this Star Wars movie with you" Zach said putting his arms around me. "Me too. I'm good to go whenever you are" I reply. "Yep me too" I reply. We walk downstairs where my mom is with Emily. "So we are good to go" I say. "Sure. You two have fun" she replies. "We will thanks" I reply. "Bye, my little princess" Zach said kissing Emily on her head. We say bye to my mom and walk out of the door. We get in the car and go to the movie theatre which isn't far from where we live. When we arrive there we park outside and walk in and join the line. We purchase our tickets then get popcorn and drinks. "You can't go to the movies without having popcorn" Zach said. "I know right" I reply. So we go into the theatre and find our seats and much on popcorn and drink our drinks and wait for the movie to start. We sit together and enjoy the movie. Star Wars is awesome and we are happy we went to see the new one. I did end up falling asleep on Zach's shoulder about halfway through and missed half the movie. That's because I didn't get much sleep last night as Emily was restless but that's the life of new parents. Nevertheless Zach and I had a great time seeing the movie tonight

A/ N: I thought this would be a good part to add as it's something a little different. There is still some more to go of this book before I start my BTS one in just over a week

Which one was your favourite date night?

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