31. Labor/ Delivery- Zach

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I am about 3 weeks off my due date. I am feeling very exhausted and I don't have the energy to do much now that I'm in the last stages of pregnancy. It's also less than a week off Christmas. We do hope baby Emily comes in time for Christmas. My due date isn't till early January but I guess it's whatever it is. Zach has been loving and supporting me all the way through. We are so excited to become parents to our little baby girl Emily. We know it's gonna be hard as we are only young but we chose to bring this child into the world. We also have a lot of love and support from our friends and family. Zach is now living with me at my moms house. Now that I'm a few weeks off giving birth, we want to be together and enjoy the last moments together before we become parents. It's around 3am and I'm trying to sleep but I can't manage to get off as it's really uncomfortable to sleep with a baby bump. I am trying to get off to sleep but I'm disturbed by a sharp pain in my abdomen. I moan and toss and turn trying to get comfy but I wake Zach up. "Are you okay, babe?" he asks. "No I just can't get comfy. Think I'm having contractions" I reply. "Awwww baby" he said. Zach shuffles closer to me and puts his arms around me and comforts me. The contractions settle off but I feel them coming back soon. "Another contraction" I say. "Just try to relax, babe. I will take you to the hospital if they happen again" Zach said. "But, Zachy. I can't get comfy" I reply. He calms me down and he holds me. I feel backache coming and contractions are coming more regularly a bit later. I told Zach I need to get to the hospital as I could be going into labor. He goes into the nursery and grabs my bag but in the meantime by waters break all over the bed. "Zach, my waters have broken" I say. "I'm here" he replies. "I'm definitely in labor" I say. "But, babe you're not due for another 3 weeks" Zach replies. "I know but she's clearly ready to come. Just get me to hospital please" I reply. Zach picks me up and carries me downstairs and out of the house quietly trying not to disturb my family

I am at the hospital and in labor. Zach and I are patiently waiting for baby Emily to be born. Could take a while as labor isn't usually a quick thing. I feel the pain already and I hate it. So uncomfortable but it will be worth it when we see our beautiful little girl. Hopefully soon. Zach and I can't wait to be parents. He stays by my side as I'm laid uncomfortable in the hospital bed. I still couldn't get comfy but I'm trying to. "Babe, you're being so brave so far" Zach said. "I'm not even in the worse part of labor yet" I reply. "But you're still doing so well, my love" he said. "Thanks" I blush. Sometime has passed and labor has progressed a little but still no sign of baby Emily yet. I'm so tired, weak and exhausted. I just want this to be over with. "Zach, this is awful" I scream. "I know, babe but I'm here don't worry" I reply. "I just want it to be over" I scream. I grasp onto Zach's hand and squeeze him. He keeps on giving me sips of water and holding my hand throughout. About two hours later. I was fully dilated and baby Emily was finally coming out. The midwives come in. Zach keeps on dabbing my forehead with a nice cold flannel beautiful I was getting so hot with all that pushing. I kept on puffing on the oxygen too. "Come on. Keep going, babe. You're doing so well" Zach said. I keep on pushing. "I can see her head. Keep pushing" one of the midwives said. I keep on pushing and squeezing Zach's hand. "Just one more push" the midwife said. Emily wasn't crying. I started to panic. "Why isn't she crying? What's wrong?" Zach said. "We need a doctor" the midwife said. A doctor comes running in to check over Emily. "She seems to have swallowed some fluid coming down the birth canal" the doctor said holding our baby. "Will she be okay?" I ask. Then Emily coughed and she started crying. "We are going to take her down to the NICU to keep an eye on her" the doctor said. Zach and I are crying. We hope our baby girl is okay. "Will she is okay, Zach? We can't loose her" I say. "I hope so, babe. I guess we'll just have to see" he said kissing my hand

Later on and Zach and I were allowed to go in and see baby Emily in the NICU. They said she has fluid on her lungs and they need to keep her in there for a while. I didn't really want to walk far after the painful birth so Zach wheeled me in a wheelchair to the NICU place. There is a midwife next to Emily. She was hooked up on all tubes and stuff. "Hey, baby girl. We are your mommy and daddy" I say. We were able to touch her tiny hands as long as they were clean. "Awe shes so beautiful and precious. Daddy's girl" Zach said. "She is" I reply. "Can we hold her?" Zach asks the midwife. "Of course you can. She's yours" she replies. The midwife lifts Emily out of the incubator and I sit in the chair and hold her in my arms. "She's so tiny. Didn't realise how tiny she is" I say. "She's so perfect" Zach said. "Do you have a name for her?" the midwife asks. "Yes. Emily. Emily Rose Herron" I reply. "Beautiful name" she replies. I hold Emily for sometime and then Zach holds her. She's so beautiful. We are in love with her. We hope she makes a full recovery soon and we can take her home. She's our little Christmas miracle. Just in time for Christmas

Emily Rose Herron 💗Born December 19th at 4:14pmWeight 5lbs 3oz

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Emily Rose Herron 💗
Born December 19th at 4:14pm
Weight 5lbs 3oz

A/ N: that was the last of the labor parts. Let me know your favourite out of all of them. I love them all personally

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