24. You're Uncomfortable And He Comforts You

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Daniel 💜

Now that I'm in the later stages of pregnancy, I've been feeling very exhausted like I've got no energy at all. Daniel has been amazing and always been there for me when I need him. When I've needed him during the day, he's come home and been there to comfort me when I need him. Daniel is out with the boys tonight seeing a movie and bowling. I didn't go considering my condition so I stayed at home. I'm trying to relax and it's not proving easy. I don't want to call Daniel to come home as I know he's having a good time tonight with the boys. I try to stretch my legs out on the couch but they start to ache. After sometime I decide to call Daniel as I need to see him. "Hey, babe. Is everything okay?" he asks. "Dani, I'm so uncomfortable I don't know what to do. Sorry I didn't really want to call you" I reply. "It's okay, my love. I'm on my way home" Daniel said. We hang up and Daniel arrives home soon after. "Are you not so good, babe?" he asks. "No I'm really uncomfortable" I reply. "Awe, baby. It's okay I'm here" he said. He sits next to me and holds and kisses me. "Now listen Teddy, young man. Your mommy isn't feeling good so please settle down and she'll be much better" Daniel said bending down and talking to Teddy in my tummy

Corbyn 💙

Being pregnant is taking a huge toll on my body. I'm less than two months from giving birth to our baby girl. I'm really uncomfortable like all the time especially at night when I've trying to sleep. When you have a big baby bump it's so hard to get a good position in bed. I wake up a couple of times during the night, getting myself into a state. Corbyn has woke up numerous times during the night to make sure I'm okay. It's now the middle of the night. Something like 2am. I tossing and turning, trying to get comfy but it's not working. Corbyn wakes up and looks concerned. "Are you okay, baby?" he asks. "No I just can't get comfy. It sucks being pregnant" I cry. Corbyn shuffles closer to me and wraps his arms around me. "I'll never be able to get comfy till the baby is born. I just want to sleep" I say. "It's okay, love. Don't worry. Just fall asleep in my arms and I'll comfort you" Corbyn said kissing my forehead. "Thank you, my Bean. You're the best" I reply. "No problem. Anything for you, my love" he smile. He carries on holding me close to him and I mange to relax a bit and get off to sleep a bit. I was really frustrating not being able to sleep and get comfy but at least my lovely Corbyn is next to me

Jonah ❤️

I'm about 31 weeks pregnant with twins. I'm so huge. It's unbelievable and I'm so uncomfortable and sore too. I hate it. I just want to get those babies out of me like right now because I'm so uncomfortable and we can't wait to meet them. It's impossible to sleep when I'm this pregnant with twins. It would be hard with one baby but you could imagine how it would be with two babies inside of you. I'm having many nights when I haven't slept at all and it's driving me crazy as I love my sleep but Jonah has been there for me every step of the way. I love him. It's early in the morning and I wake up from not being able to sleep. I open my eyes and see that Jonah isn't in bed next to me. "Jonah" I call. "I'm coming, babe. Just in the kitchen" Jonah replies. He comes back a minute later with a cup of tea in his hand. "Here you are. A cup of your favourite tea" Jonah said. "Thank you so much. Just what I need it. Horrible night, babe" I say. "I know, honey. Just drink that and try and relax" he said. "I will but it won't be easy" I say. Jonah smiles and kisses me. I drink my tea and then try to relax

Jack 💚


Y/ N has been feeling really exhausted and uncomfortable recently. She's getting to the point in her pregnancy where it's starting to impact on her daily life. I'm being there for her as much as she can. I don't like seeing her like this. I love seeing the Y/ N who makes me laugh and smile everyday. Damn I love her so much. It's a weekend and I'm currently doing some house chores while Y/ N is resting in bed. I don't mind doing stuff round our apartment. Just as long as Y/ N doesn't have to do it. I just want her to rest and stay strong for when baby Joe comes. I'm vacuuming in the lounge which is quite close to our room. "Jack, I'm trying to rest" Y/ N yells. "I'm sorry, baby. I'll stop and do it later" I reply. I go into our room and she's laying on our bed. "Sorry for yelling at you" she said. "It's okay, baby. I understand. Don't you worry. All I want is for you to get strong and well" I reply. "Awe. Thank you, Jacky. I love you. You're the sweetest" Y/ N replies. "No problem, my girl" I say kissing her. I leave Y/ N to get some more rest while I do something that doesn't involve a lot of noise

Zach 🧡

I'm really finding it hard being pregnant as it stops me doing everyday things that I love doing. Zach has been the best and has been there for me during my times of need. It's so hard carrying and growing a little human inside of you. I'm working but I'm finishing in the next few weeks. That's when I'll have your baby girl. Zach is coming to pick me up soon from work and we are going to the WDW house for the night. Can't wait to see him very soon. When it was time to leave I walk out of the building and see Zach waiting for me. "Hey, honey" he said. "Hi, Zachy" I reply. "How was work?" he asks. "Very long and I wasn't feeling good at all" I reply. "Awe, babe. I'm so sorry but you haven't got too much longer left" Zach said. "I know but I can't wait for it to end. Being pregnant hard is so hard. I just want it to be over" I say. "I know, darling I feel for you but just think our beautiful little girl will be here" he said putting his arms around me and kissing me. We go back to the WDW house and Zach continues to comfort me and I feel better after a bad day

A/ N: guys the babies are nearly here. Just a couple more updates till the labour abs delivery parts. Can't wait

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