29. Labor/ Delivery- Jonah

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I have been in the hospital for the last couple of days I haven't been feeling well. The other day I passed out and went feint after taking a shower so Jonah called an ambulance and took me to the hospital. I didn't go into labor but the doctors wanted to keep me in so they could monitor me. The babies are still in there but the medical team are still keep their eye on them. So far today I haven't been feeling good all day. I've been getting migraines and going faint. My blood pressure is getting higher too which is putting me at risk of getting preeclampsia. Hope that doesn't happen as it's serious. Jonah has been there for me since I was rushed to hospital two days ago. He's stayed with me overnight in case anything happened and has never left my side. He's been amazing. My rock. I love him so much. He's everything to me. It's around 7pm in the evening and I'm trying to relax and keep comfortable but obviously it's not easy being pregnant with twins in a hospital and feeling unwell. "Can I get you anything, love?" Jonah said. "No I think I'm fine. Actually can you just pass me a glass of cold water please" I reply. "Of course" he smiles. Jonah passes me a cold glass of water and I have a drink to keep me hydrated. My migraine won't go away and it's really bothering me. I just want it to go away but I don't really want to take any pain killers as I want pain killers when I go into labour

A while later and I start to feel worse. I'm having a major hot flush and I'm still having a migraine that's getting worse. "Jonah, I feel awful. You need to get help" I say. "Okay, baby. I will but I don't really want to leave you" Jonah said. "I'll be okay, babe just get help please" I say. "I won't be long" he replies. Jonah goes out of the room to get help. He was only gone a couple of minutes and in the meantime I had passed out. Several midwives and doctors rush in and check over me. I was still passed out and Jonah was panicking. "Her blood pressure is sky high. She's going into preeclampsia" I hear the doctor saying. They then check the babies heartbeats. "Babies are in distress. She needs an emergency c section" one of the midwives said. "Quickly we need to get her into the operating room right now. We could loose all three of them" the doctor said. They quickly whisk me out of the room and into the emergency room. Jonah runs along beside me and grasps onto my hand. "You'll be okay, baby" he said kissing my hand. I don't respond as I'm still unconscious. They get me into the operating room. "Sir, I'm afraid you can't home in. We need to do this real quick or I'm afraid you'll loose your fiancée and your babies" the doctor said. "It's okay. I understand. I'll just wait. Thank you" Jonah said. The next thing I knew they were cutting me open

Jonah's POV

I am waiting very anxiously in the waiting room while Y/ N has an emergency c section done. I'm disappointed they didn't let me in but I understood of course that they just wanted to get the babies out. I hope it's all gone well and my babies and here safe and well and that Y/ N is okay. The food opens and the doctor walk in with quite a relived look on his face. "Congratulations, Mr Franzich. You have a beautiful son and daughter. Y/ N is in the recovery room coming round but you may see your babies" he said. "Thank you, doctor" I say hugging him. They take me into the recovery room where Y/ N and the babies are. As soon as I saw little Lauren and Luke, my face lit up. "Hey, my darlings" I say. The midwife said I could hold them both while Y/ N was coming round from the emergency c section. She shouldn't be long. I have cuddles for the first time with my newborn son and daughter and it feels incredible. I get a bit teary eyed. Oh my gosh. They are so adorable, tiny and precious. My babies. Soon Y/ N opens her eyes and smiles. "Hey, baby" I say. "Hey. These must be our little ones" she said. "Yes Lauren and Luke are here having a cuddle with daddy" I reply. Y/ N holds Lauren and I hold Luke. "They are so beautiful. Both of them" she said. "They are. We have two beautiful babies, my love" I reply.  "We certainly do" Y/ N replies. "Babe, I'm so proud of you and all you've been through. You're a trooper" I say. She smiles and we carry on holding our beautiful babies. We are so happy that Lauren and Luke are here safe and sound

Lauren Michelle Frantzich 💗Born October 4th @ 11:07pmWeight 5lbs 7oz

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Lauren Michelle Frantzich 💗
Born October 4th @ 11:07pm
Weight 5lbs 7oz

Luke Michael Frantzich 💙
Born October 4th @ 11:17pm
Weight 5lbs 9oz

A/ N: so the twins are here and so adorable. What a traumatic birth? I wanted to include some trauma and drama to make it different. Two more labor/ delivery parts to come over the next two days 

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