39. The Boys Meeting The Baby

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Daniel 💜

The boys are coming over to meet baby Teddy for the first time. They have been excited to meet him since he was both. Teddy is a few weeks old and they are meeting him today. Daniel and I are the first to have a baby in WDW so the boys can't wait to meet their nephew. They are expected to come any moment now. I have Teddy dressed in a cute summery outfit for the day. When the doorbell rings, Daniel opens the door and let the guys in. "Hey, guys" he said. "Hey" Jack said. I'm sat on the couch with Teddy and they come in. "So this us the little man, Dani?" Jonah said. "Yes. My little Teddy bear" Daniel said. "Hey, Teddy. I'm your uncle Corbyn" Corbyn said. "I'm your uncle, Zach. Aka the coolest uncle" Zach said. "Who wants to hold him?" I say. "Me" all four boys say at the same time. "Okay I choose Jack" Daniel said. "Yay!" Jack said as I hand Teddy to him. All the boys have a hold of Teddy and they all love him. They stay a while as they couldn't get enough of him

Corbyn 💙


Me and the boys are in the studio working on some new music. We are nearly finished for the day and Y/ N is coming in with baby Astrid. We are going out for a family dinner tonight. The boys haven't met our little girl yet but they will meet her today. Can't wait to introduce Astrid to my boys. The boys and I are just finishing up for the day so Y/ N and Astrid should be here soon. "Guys, I can't wait for you to meet my baby girl. She's the sweetest" I say. "Yeah we can't wait. Lavender can't wait to have a playmate" Jack said. Soon Y/ N walks in with Astrid. "Here they are. My girls" I say. "Hey, babe" Y/ N said. I kiss her and she hands Astrid to me. "Hey, sweetheart. Are you ready to meet your uncles?" I say. "Awww she's so cute, Corbyn. She looks a lot like you" Daniel said. "Thanks. She's definitely a daddy's girl. My little princess" I reply. I hand Astrid to Daniel and he has a little cuddle her with. Tbh I trust him the most with my daughter. "Corbyn, she's a sweet little thing" Zach said. "She is the sweetest. Takes after her mama" I reply. Zach has the next hold and the Jack and Jonah. We invited the boys for a family dinner with us and they had a great time meeting baby Astrid today

Jonah ❤️

The boys are over meeting the twins for the first time. They have been dying to meet them for quiet sometime now and they are at our place today meeting our twins. Jack is holding Luke and Daniel is holding Lauren. "Jonah, I can't believe you're a daddy to twins" Daniel said. "I know right too but they are the best thing that's ever happened to me and Y/ N too of course" Jonah said. "Awww, babe" I reply. "They really are the sweetest kids, Y/ N and Jonah" Corbyn said. "They are. We have to say so ourselves" I reply. "They are a blessing both of them" Jonah said. Soon the other two boys have a hold. Corbyn holds Luke and Zach holds Lauren. "Awwww they're so cute" Zach said. We smile. Lauren and Luke were so good meeting their uncles for the first time today. They ended up staying a while which was nice of them. They are definitely going to have fun with them when they grow up

Jack 💚

Jack and I are taking baby Joe to the WDW house so he can meet the boys for the first time. The boys can't wait to meet him and I'm sure little Joe can't too. He won't know any different I guess. Jack and I are heading over there with him now just for a couple of hours. We get Joe in the car and get all the stuff we need for him too. Can't wait for him to meet the boys. "Let's go, babe" Jack said. I nod my head. Soon we pull up outside the WDW house. "Can't believe I used to live here" Jack said. "I know right but we have our own place with our little boy" I reply. Jack grabs Joe from the back and we open the door and walk in. "Guys, we're here" he said. "Hey. Come in" Jonah said. We go into the kitchen and lounge area and the boys are there. "So this is the little munchkin. Eh" Corbyn said. "Yes. My little guy" he replies. "Awwww he's so cute. Looks just like you, Jack" Zach said. "It's a wonder you didn't call him Jackson" Jonah said. "We were considering but we loved the name Joe. Who wants to hold him?" Jack said. All the boys raise their hands. We choose Corbyn to hold Joe first. All the boys hold Joe for a while and enjoy holding him. They keep on saying he looks just like Jack which he does. We had a great time over at the boys place

Zach 🧡


Me and Y/ N are going out for dinner with the boys. We are bringing baby Emily and the boys are going to meet her for the first time. They can't wait to meet her and I can't wait for them to meet my little princess. She's so beautiful. It's new year now and we are going out for dinner to celebrate the new year and all good things. Can't wait for the boys to meet my little princess. Y/ N and I have just left home to go to the restaurant. Emily is asleep. She's should wake up soon ready to meet her uncles. When we arrive there we get out of the car and walk in. I carry Emily In her car seat and Y/ N grabs the diaper bag. We were a little on the  late side but that doesn't matter. "Hey, guys. We are here" I say. "Hey" Corbyn said. "Hey" Jack said. "Awwww, Zach, Y/ N she's so beautiful congratulations" Daniel said. "Thank you" I smile. "Awe she's so tiny and precious" Jonah said. So we get a table and sit down. Me and Y/ N sit together of course. With Jack next to me. "Can I hold her later, guys?" Daniel asks. "Sure of course you can. As long as you are careful with her" I reply. He smiles. We had a great dinner and Emily got to meet the boys for the first time. They all wanted to hold her for a long time which was sweet

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