11. Starting To Show

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Daniel 💜

I have just gotten out of the shower. Daniel is over at my place and he's laying on my bed waiting for me to be finished. Daniel and I have been so excited about our baby. We just cannot wait to become parents to our beautiful baby in the next few months. Anyway I get out of the shower and get dried. As I was getting dried I noticed my small baby bump in the mirror. I crack a smile. I was starting to show a bit the other day when Daniel and I were having a pool way with the boys but I'm noticing it more now. I put my underwear on and my bathrobe before walking into my room. Daniel is still laid on my bed on his phone. "You done, babe" he asks. "Yes I am" I reply. I stand next to my bed where Daniel is laid. "Look, Dani I'm starting to show" I say. "I know, babe. I kinda noticed that the other day. It's a beautiful bump and a beautiful baby inside" he smiles. "Thank you, my love" I reply. Daniel sits on the edge of the bed and kisses my small bump. I then get on the bed next to him and we cuddle for a while

Corbyn 💙

Corbyn and I are getting ready to go out for dinner tonight. We are treating ourselves and going to one of our favourite restaurants for a nice meal tonight. We can't wait. This is our first date night since I got pregnant and hopefully it won't be our last before the baby arrives in the next few months. I am in the bathroom doing my hair and makeup while Corbyn is in the shower. I take my time getting ready while he's in the shower. Soon he finishes in the shower and grabs a towel and gets dried off. "Hey, babe. How are you doing?" Corbyn said. "I'm good. Are you?" I reply. "Yep" he replies. I finish getting my hair and makeup done and Corbyn goes into our bedroom to get dressed. I look through my closet deciding what to wear. I realise that I haven't really got any maternity clothes suitable for where we are going so I just go for a regular dress that's a little on the big side. I am starting to show quite a bit. I put it on and get Corbyn to zip me up. "You look beautiful, babe" he said. "Thank you. Corbyn, does this look okay. I know it's not a maternity dress" I say. "Of course it does. Believe in yourself, babe. Why do you ask that?" Corbyn replies. "Hmmm I don't know. Because I'm starting to show" I reply. "And that's perfect don't worry. It's all a normal part of pregnancy. You always look stunning, my love" he smiles pulling me in for a kiss. Corbyn always makes me feel so much better about myself. Best husband in the world

Jonah ❤️

Me and Jonah are laid cuddling in our bed after he's just got back from a long day at the studio. We recently told the boys that we are having twins and they are all happy for us. They were shocked when we said we were having twins but he's true of course and we can't wait to be parents to two beautiful babies. Boys or girls. It doesn't matter to us. I am starting to show show as I'm 3 and a half months pregnant with twins and I have a bigger bump then I would have if I was only having one baby. Anyway Jonah has his arms around me and keeps on touching my bump. We have both noticed how much I'm starting to show. "Baby, I love your little bump and our babies inside and of course you" he said. "Awwww Thank you, my love. That means the world to me" I reply. I turn to face him and he smiles at me. "Twins. It's so exciting, babe. I can't believe I'm going to be a daddy to little twins" Jonah said. "I know me too, babe. It's so exciting. By the end of my pregnancy. I'll be like an elephant" I reply. "And if you are it wouldn't matter as I'll love you all the more and our babies too" he said. He smiles and kisses me too

Jack 💚


I am watching Y/ N getting dressed in my room. Sounds creepy but I love watching her getting dressed. I couldn't help but notice her beauty and pregnancy glow. She always looks so beautiful no matter what. Extra beautiful now that she's carrying my baby inside her. I just couldn't help but stare at her. I also noticed that's she's starting to show now. "You still watching me, Jacky" Y/ N said. "Yes I am because you look amazing as always babe" I say. "Not right now" She laughs. "Babe, you're starting to show" I say going over to Y/ N and placing my arms around her. "Oh yes I am. Just noticed actually" she replies. "Look at that beautiful little bump there" I say. "I know. It's kinda cute" Y/ N said. "So cute, babe. Just like you and our little baby in there. I love you both" I say. "Me too, Jack" she replies. I place my hand on Y/ N's little bump. Awww I loved touching it and I can't wait to see our baby develop as the pregnancy progresses

Zach 🧡

Zach and I are getting ready to go out on a Saturday afternoon lunch date. We can't wait to. We are going to a nice cafe that serves salad and sandwiches. It's really good. We've been there before. I'm getting dressed in my closet while Zach is waiting for me downstairs. I really don't want what to wear as I'm starting to show and I don't want people to judge. I am so indecisive today that I text Zach to come up and help me choose an outfit. "What's up, babe?" he asks as he walks into my room. "I can't decide what to wear" I say. "Okay let help you" he said coming over to me. "I don't want to wear anything that clings to my bump too much" I say. "Why not?" Zach asks. "Because I just don't want people to judge us" I reply. "Oh but you've got a beautiful little bump, babe. You should be proud to show it off" he said. "We are young, Zach. You know how people can be funny about seeing a young pregnant girl in public" I say. "Y/ N it doesn't matter what people think of you. We are having a baby together and couldn't be happier. Just wear whatever you want" Zach smiles. He helps me choose something to wear and he picks a top that shows off my bump a little. I got my confidence back and we went out and had a really nice dinner together and no one judged

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