9. First Scan

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Daniel 💜

Daniel and I have an appointment at the hospital for my first scan. We are really excited to see our baby for the first time. We are also a little nervous too as this is my first scan but hopefully it will all go well. We are obviously excited to see our baby on the screen for the first time. My appointment is at 11am this morning. We leave about half an hour before so we get there in time. "Can't wait, babe. I'm very excited" Daniel said. "Yes me too. Can't wait, babe" I reply. Soon we arrive at the hospital and park up and walk into the maternity unit. We wait in the waiting room to be called in. Daniel smiles and squeezes my hand. Not long we get called in. The lady greets us and I lay down and roll up my top and she spreads jelly like stuff in my small bump. Daniel sits beside me and smiles. The lady examines me. "Your baby is looking very healthy, Y/ L/ N" she said. "Thank you. I'm glad" I reply. "Do we know the gender yet?" Daniel asks. "No sorry we can't usually tell till about 16 weeks and Y/ N is only 10 weeks" she said. "Oh okay we want to find out then" he said. Our first scan went well and Daniel and I left the hospital smiling and holding hands

Corbyn 💙

Corbyn and I are heading to the hospital this afternoon for our first baby scan. We are looking forward to this moment and seeing our little baby for the first time. Can't wait. I've still been having a rough pregnancy and still been throwing up a lot and getting headaches but today we are going to make sure everything is good with the baby. Corbyn and I were up pretty this morning as we had stuff to do and we were also looking forward to our appointment today. We leave just before our appointment as the hospital isn't far from where we live. Soon we arrive and walk in together holding hands. We go to the front desk. "Y/ N Besson. I have my first ultrasound today" I say. "Would you like to take a seat" the receptionist said. "Thanks" I reply. Corbyn and I take a seat in the waiting area. "Exciting eh" he said. "I know. It definitely is" I reply. Soon we get called into the room. I sit down and the sonographer starts examining me. "Can I just ask a question?" I ask. "Sure" she replies. "Well I've been vomiting quite a lot and not feeling well. Is the baby all okay? Just wondering" I say. "It seems to be all okay to me" the lady replies. "Oh good" I reply. "Great" Corbyn said. The sonographer spends some more time examining me but all smells to be good with the baby. On our way out Corbyn and I were able to collect a photo of our first scan. "I'm keep this in my wallet right next to our wedding picture" he said. "Good. Think I'm going to keep mine on my desk at work" I reply. "I will replace it when we get our next scan when the baby is bigger and then when he or she is born" he said. We leave the hospital and go for a walk after. Glad all is good

Jonah ❤️

Me and Jonah are going to the hospital for for first scan. We can't wait to see our little one for the first time. Jonah's mom Carrie insisted to come with us so she's coming which is nice. We have our appointment at noon today. We went to the grocery store and stocked up on some stuff we needed. We then take the shopping home and head to the hospital for our appointment. Carrie is meeting us there and we are looking forward to. Jonah and I get in the car and leave our house and then arrive at the hospital soon. Carrie is waiting for us outside. "Hey, mom" Jonah says. "Hey, you two" she said. "Hi, Carrie" I say. We hug her and we go into the hospital and check in. "So are you guys looking forward to seeing your baby for the first time?" Carrie asks. "Yes we are. We can't wait, mom" Jonah said. "I know. It's very exciting indeed" Carrie said. "It is" I reply. Soon we get called into the room and I lay on the bed and roll up my top while the sonographer examines me. She has a surprised look on face. I started to worry for a moment. "Congratulations I think you're having twins" the lady said. "Holy shit. Oh sorry for my language" Jonah exclaims. "Really? No way" I say. "I'm going to be a grandma to two" Carrie said. The lady tilts the screen so we can see our twins on the screen. Ahhhh we can't believe we are having twins. That's crazy but a good crazy of course. Twins is still amazing though. Jonah and I are really happy

Jack 💚

Jack and I are anxiously waiting at the hospital for my first scan. We are kinda nervous but of course excited at the same time. It's a big thing getting your first scan during pregnancy. We can't wait though. We arrived not so long ago and are waiting to be seen by the sonographer. "Babe, I'm looking forward to this" Jack said squeezing my hand. "Yes I am. Me too of course. Can't wait to see baby Avery for the first time" I reply. "Me too. I really wanna find out if it's a boy or a girl" he said. "Me too but we won't find that out today. I know how much you want a son" I reply. After about half an hour of waiting in total we get called in. I lay down and the sonographer starts examining my bump. Jack stays by my side and holds my hand and keeps on smiling at me. Awwwww he's so cute. The lady takes sometime to examine me. "It all looks to be good. You look to have a healthy baby on the way. I would say your due date is around the beginning of November time" she said. "Thank you. That's great" I reply. Jack and I leave the hospital feeling happy that my first scan went well. "I'm gonna be a dad in about 6 months time" he said. "Yes you are and I'm going to be a mom" I reply. He pulls me close to him and smiles and kisses me. Approximately 6 months to go till our baby is here

Zach 🧡

I'm waiting for Zach to arrive at the hospital for our first baby scan. He has had to go to the studio today with the boys and he's running a bit late. He's just told them they he's meeting me for lunch as they don't know about the baby yet. It's getting closer to the appointment time and I'm worried he'll miss it but he said he should be here on time. I sit and wait on my own for Zach to arrive. Can't wait to see him and see our baby for the first time. I see him arriving soon after just a couple minutes before the appointment. "Hey, babe. I'm here. So sorry. I'm late. Things were hectic" he said. "Hi, babe. It's fine don't worry. We should be called in any moment" I reply. We get called in just at that moment into the room. "Afternoon Miss Y/ L/ N" the last said. "Hi" I said. "I assume this young man is your boyfriend"
she said. "Yes he is. This is Zach" I reply. The appointment starts with the lady spreading the jelly like stuff on my belly. It feels weird but that's what they used. Zach and I look intently at the screen. "Awwwww that's our baby there" I say. "It is. Hello mini Herron" he said. The lady continues to examine me then I was good to go. The appointment went well and all is good with the baby. "That was pretty exciting, babe" Zach said as we were leaving. "It was. Definitely" I reply. "Can't wait for the next one" he says. "Me too" I reply. Zach had to leave soon to go back to the studio with the boys but I'm glad he was here with me for my first scan. He wouldn't have missed it

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