42. He Babysits While You're Out

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Daniel 💜


Tonight I'm looking after Teddy while Y/ N goes out on a girls night with her friends. She hasn't had anytime to herself since Teddy came into the world so I was like "You should go out with the girls". She agreed so she's going out tonight. I can't wait to have some father son time with Teddy. Y/ N is getting ready to go out. I'm cuddling Teddy on the couch till she is ready to go. I know where everything is so we're all good. Y/ N walks into the room looking all hot. I still can't believe this woman is my fiancée. "You look amazing, babe" I say. "Thank you" she smiles. "Now you go and have fun. Me and Ted will be fine just here" I say. "I will. I'll tell you when I'm coming home" she replies. Y/ N kisses me before she leaves. I cuddle Teddy in my arms for a while till he needed feeding and changing. I talked to him and sang him songs throughout the night. Little Teddy likes it when I sing to him. I had a great time babysitting him tonight while Y/ N was out. By the time she got back we both had fallen asleep together on the couch. I love time with my little boy

Corbyn 💙

I am going out for dinner with my mom and sisters tonight so I'm leaving Corbyn to look after Astrid. I'm looking forward to having a girls night with my mom and sisters but I'll be sad to leave them for a couple of hours. He's 100% responsible looking after Astrid for a couple of hours. He loves her to bits. She's his little princess. I'm getting ready for going out. I will be leaving soon. Corbyn walks into the bathroom with Astrid as I'm getting ready. "She wanted to see her momma" he said. "Awe. That's sweet. I'm gonna missed you two tonight" I reply. "We are going to miss you too. Aren't we Astrid but mommy won't be gone long" Corbyn said to Astrid. "Nope I won't" I reply. Soon I get ready to go kissing goodbye to Corbyn and Astrid. "Bye, you two. I'll be back later" I say. "Have fun, babe with your mom and sisters. Say hi to them for me" he said. "I will. Be good for daddy, Astrid" I say. "She's always a little angel so don't worry" Corbyn said. So I walk out the door and get in my car and drive to where I'm meeting my mom and sisters. I miss Corbyn and Astrid already but I'll be back in a couple of hours. A couple of hours later I arrive home after a great dinner with my mom and sisters. I walk into the house and Corbyn is sat on the couch cradling Astrid. "Hey, guys" I say. "Hey, baby. Did you have fun?" he replies, "Yes I did but I missed you two" I reply. "We did too but me and Astrid had some father, daughter time" he replies. I sit next to him on the couch and he kisses me. I'm glad Corbyn and Astrid had fun tonight

Jonah ❤️

I have just started back at work part time and I'm finding it hard being away from Jonah and the twins. Lauren and Luke aren't even two months old yet but I choose to still go back to work but I only work two days a week. My job is only in a fast food restaurant so nothing special but it gets me money to provide for my kids. Jonah has been at home with the twins today as he got a day off from the studio. When he's busy Lauren and Luke to go my parents or his parents for the day. I'm just leaving work and going home. When I get home I always get a shower as I always smell of grease and oil and fatty things. I text Jonah to tell him I'm on my way. I get in my car and arrive home to our apartment soon. I get the elevator up to where we live and then open the door. I walk in to find Jonah on the couch with both babies in his arms. Awwww they all looked so cute. "Hey, you guys" I say. "Hey, honey. How was your day?" Jonah asks. "It was okay but had to be home to my fiancé and two beautiful babies" I reply. "We are glad to have you home.
Aren't we, kids" he said. Lauren yawns and Luke's eyes are closed. "Have they been good today?" I ask. "Yes they've both been as good as good. Angels they have been" Jonah replies. I kiss him and the babies too before I get in the shower. It was so cute to see them all cuddled up when I got home from work. Something nice to come home to

Jack 💚

I am currently at the mall having some me time and doing some shopping. My favourite thing apart from being with my boys is going to the mall. I'm the kinda girl who loves shopping and buying clothes and makeup. I have left Jack home looking after baby Joe. He didn't mind me going out for a while as he loves spending time with his son. I have bought a few things for myself and also a couple of cute little outfits for Joe that I saw at Carter's. I couldn't resist buying them. I love buying stuff for him. I'm almost going home so I text Jack to tell him that I'll be home soon. Well depending on the traffic and stuff. I have been out about four hours since 11am this morning so I have missed my boys a lot. I get in my car and leave the mall. I get caught in a bit of traffic but arrive home pretty soon. I park in the parking lot of our apartment block and get out and get the elevator up to where we live. I unlock the door and Jack sitting on the couch with his feet up and Joe is sleeping in his Moses basket next to him. "Hey, baby. Your home" Jack said. "Hey. I am" I reply. "Did you have fun?" he asks. "Yes I did" I reply. "What did you get?" Jack asks. "Lots of things for me and a couple of things for Joe too" I reply. "Oh but nothing for me" he said. "Nope sorry" I reply. "It's fine. I'm just glad you had a good time. You've been an amazing mom to Joe for the last few weeks and you deserve to have a bit of you time every now and then" Jack said. "Awww, Jacky. You're so cute" I reply. Joe wakes up soon. I had a great time today

Zach 🧡


I have just got home from the studio and Y/ N is going out with some old school friends so I'm going to be babysitting Emily tonight. I have looked after her a couple of times before when she's been a college. Can't wait to have sone daddy daughter time with my little girl. She means so much to me. Y/ N will be heading out soon. She had sometime with Emily before she left. Y/ N is leaving soon. She is getting ready as we speak. I'm with Emily as she's fallen asleep in my arms. Awwww bless her. She's so sweet and adorable when she falls asleep in daddy's arms. Soon Y/ N is ready to go and she's looking as beautiful as always. "So I'm good to go" she said. "Great. Have a fun time with your friends and me and Em will have some daddy daughter time" I reply. "Yep I will. Have fun both of you and I'll be back later" Y/ N said. She gives me a kiss before she goes. She walks out of the car and drives off. "Now, little girl. Just me and you" I say to Emily. She was asleep so she couldn't Here me. I kiss her on her head and she continues to sleep. There's nothing more I love than spending time with my little girl. Me and Emily had great daddy daughter time tonight

A/ N: hope you liked their part because I did

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