167. Respect Shawn or DIE + RANT

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  Before any of you start saying that I'm sending you death threats, I AM NOT 😂 I am trying to make a point because some clearly some need to see this. Shawn has his own life and it's not hard to stay out of it.

Let him date who he wants to date and be friends with whoever he wants to be friends with. It's his life. Not yours. You can't change his actions or shame him for his actions.

  He's a grown man who's going to be 21 in a month. He's not going to take opinions from immature fans that think they can restrict him from doing whatever he wants.

If you're going to leave the fandom simply because Shawn is dating people, you're horrible. Would you like it if people kept telling you that you don't have a right to date? I don't think you would so keep your hypocritical ass out of Shawn's business.

Shawn can date who ever he wants and if he doesn't want to tell us he's dating someone, guess what. THAT'S GREAT! Because I respect Shawn's right to have his own personal life. He shouldn't have to tell us every single little detail of his life and he shouldn't be expected to.

I wasn't calling anyone out in my rant! If you see that you fit one of the roles that I mentioned though, then stop fitting into that negativity. The Mendes Army needs to change for the better, not the worse.

The question for you (if any of you even made it through reading that lol) is what's your opinion on this?


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