78. Shawmila + Cover Deliveries

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So, let's get onto the topic of Shawmila: the popular ship of Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. I know that the majority of you guys, absolutely hate Shawmila and Camila Cabello herself.

Question is: why exactly?

I can say with 100% confidence that some of you guys think, "Ew! NO, Shawn is all mine and Camila's gross!" I bet those of you that think that only started thinking of Camila as gross once she got involved with Shawn, knowing nothing much about her other than her being rumored to be with Shawn.

Newsflash: None of us big fans in this book, including me are ever going to date him. I'd like to say, "never say never," but the chances in this are like 99.99% so yeah, Shawn probably isn't going to be "yours." You can feel some sadness that he isn't going to be yours but think about it, there's someone out there that will actually know who you are and will share the same feelings for you as you will for them.

Yay! Your world isn't going to end!

Personally, I ship Shawmila as a friendship because I think they're really good friends and I like that. I don't hate Camila Cabello at all though, in fact, I think she's awesome! I like Shawn and Camila being friends. They have a strong friendship and I'm glad they support each other.

Tell me your thoughts about this popular ship in the comment section. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.

SO anyways, I have deliveries.

__dedicashawn  Here's your cover!

Don't forget to give me credit if you use one! kaitlyn_hodge  Here is your cover!

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kaitlyn_hodge Here is your cover!

Don't forget to give me credit if you use one! kaitlyn_hodge  Here is your cover!

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