Six (Bakugo P.O.V)

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Bakugo took a small step back, his hand was still in the air. He didn't realize he was shaking slightly as he lowered hand, managing to speak "De..ku?" He asked carefully, shock in his voice. The look in the eyes of the male in front of him was dark and loathing. That was the only thing that was different about him, but this was obviously Midoriya. Bakugo let out a slight sound as he hit the ground again, a knife to his throat.

"Do you know this boy, Deku?" Himiko had his shirt gripped in her fist while holding the knife in the other. Midoriya tilted his head slightly to the side, continuing to glare in Bakugo's direction. He's never seen this look on Midoriya's face before. Hatred, and loathing. There wasn't any childhood wonder, or light, or even amazement. He wasn't smiling. Everything about Midoriya was the same, except for that look. He was still skinny, he was still short. He still had those shitty freckles, his eyes were still that stunning green. Bakugo could even see strands of curly green hair from under the black hood.

"Yeah" Midoriya responded turning on his heels to walk away. Bakugo glanced down, noticing that familiar red of the shoes Midoriya had always worn. He flinched slightly as he heard what he said next "He's one of those two." One of those two? What did that even mean?

"Oh! One of those!" Himiko leaned forward as Midoriya began walking off. Bakugo glared slightly, bringing his hand to her head as he caused another explosion. He quickly got up once he got her off of him.

"Oi! Shitty Nerd!" Bakugo called after him, causing him to pause. He glanced over his shoulder over to him. He moved to say something again but heard somebody from behind him.

"Hey, Bakugo! Azawa Sensei wants us to get as many people away from here as possible!" Kirishima called as he ran over with some of their classmates, but he stopped when he saw the three villains. "Ah! They're over here too! That League of Villains team!" He quickly hardened his body as he got into a fighting stance

"I guess we're going to leave the rescuing to the others" Kaminari released some electricity from his fingers as he sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm always ready to kick some villain butt!" The tape dispenser Hanta grinned. He moved to step towards Bakugo

"No" Bakugo said moving forward "You deal with the other two. This one is mine" he said as he stepped closer towards Midoriya. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the girl jump at him but get pulled back by tape. Kaminari and Kirishima had rushed towards Dabi. He reached his hand out, grabbing Midoriya by the collar of his jacket.

"What are you going to do? Hit me? It's not like anything will be different from before" Midoriya said, a bored tone in his voice. He tilted his head, staring up at him. Bakugo gripped the fabric in his hands as he stared at those green eyes. They weren't the poster, but they were still Midoriya's. "Well? Use that quirk of yours. Bully this quirkless kid like you did in middle school!"

"Shitty Nerd!" Bakugo repeated the name he used before "What are you doing, huh? For two years it's been you behind that shitty mask?!" He raised his voice a bit, causing Midoriya to laugh

"Yes! Angrier!" He laughed again "Get angry enough to use your quirk on me! Hit me with those explosions! Bully me!" Midoriya's eyes grew wide as he grinned, grabbing ahold of Bakugo's wrists "Are you disappointed that I'm not dead, Kachan?" Bakugo's body tensed slightly at both the question and the sound of the nickname. It had been a while since he had let anyone use it.

"Disappointed..? Ehhh?! Shitty Deku!" Bakugo moved his hand to the side of Midoriya's head, letting of another explosion as he let go of his shirt. The boy fell to the ground, and he moved down ask well, sitting on top of him as he grabbed his shirt again. Midoriya still had a grin on his face, his head bleeding. "Why the hell would I want you dead?"

Midoriya laughed again, reaching up and cupping Bakugo's face in his hands "You said it many times you know. Even that last day." His grin spread as Bakugo tensed up. The last he ever saw Midoriya. "You told me to kill myself while you destroyed my notebook." He leaned forward, stilling holding onto Bakugo's face as he moved to whisper in his ear. Bakugo tightened his grip on Midoriya's shirt, feeling curly hair brush against his skin since the hood fell off. His eyes widened slightly as he felt Midoriya's breath against his ear, hearing his voice up close for the first time in a long time. "I did exactly what you told me to, Kachan. I killed myself. I completely changed who I am" He let go of his shirt as he felt Midoriya fall back, his hands leaving Bakugo's face.

"No" He said lightly, bringing a punch down next to Midoriya's head, letting off an explosion. "I didn't mean run off and become a villain! What the hell? You get upset and run away from home? You left your old lady broken hearted, she stayed up late each night as she sat on the porch, hoping you'd come home!" He gripped his shirt again and pulled him back up. He could feel that he had an angry look on his face, he was yelling much more now. "They searched for you for weeks, the whole neighborhood did! But everyone gave up. Everyone but your mom and my parents." He took a deep breath, holding back from hitting Midoriya again. "Everyone but me!" He saw Midoriya's eyes widen, his mouth opened to say something but instead Midoriya was interrupted by a kick in Bakugo's side, causing him to go rolling off of the male.

"Deku" The black mist said with a sigh "You have been seen"

"Oh, Kurogiri" Bakugo heard Midoriya say. He gripped his side as he moved to his knees, glancing over. Midoriya was standing up now, Kurogiri was standing with him. It had been the hands guy that kicked him.

"There has been a change in plans. We are leaving Nomu here. The other villains are still coming, but we are going back to base to begin with phase two" Kurogiri said lightly, Midoriya nodded. Himiko and Dabi moved over to the other villains, causing Bakugo to glance over to his friends. They were all on the ground. He quickly looked back over to Midoriya, getting up on his feet as he held his side with one hand and reached out with the other.

"Wait, Deku!" Bakugo called, talking a step forward. "Don't go! Shitty Nerd, don't you dare leave!" He kept calling out the different nicknames he used for Midoriya back in the day. The warp gate surrounded his childhood friend and the other villains. Bakugo took a deep breath, calling out another name. "Izuku!" He said quickly.

Midoriya glanced over to Bakugo when he heard his first name. He saw Bakugo in a frantic state, panicking slightly. He watched as his friend closed his eyes, smiling as he spoke three words before he warped away. "Bye bye, Kachan" Bakugo fell back to his knees, watching the empty space that the villains had just been in. Watching the space that he just saw Izuku Midoriya, the boy who was no longer missing.

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