Eleven (Bakugo P.O.V)

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I'm sorry this chapter is kinda short, but I wanted this to get out before my phone died. I promise I'll make Midoriya's chapter a long one!

It had been three days since Bakugo had seen Midoriya. In those three days, that has been all that he could think about. When he woke up, Midoriya. On his way to school, Midoriya. During dinner, Midoriya. Midoriya kept him up at night, and even followed him into his dreams. Bakugo let out a sigh, staring up at his ceiling. He was laying on his bed and he had been unable to fall asleep. He glanced to the clock, seeing that it was past midnight. Sighing again, he moved to get off his bed. His bare feet touched his bedroom floor as he moved over to his mirror.

"Damn" He muttered as he touched the slight mark on his neck. He couldn't believe he actually let that shitty nerd cut him. Bakugo stared at himself in the mirror, running his fingers over the mark. He had gotten lost in the feeling of Midoriya's hair against his hand. Bakugo blinked, he was exhausted. After all, he was having trouble sleeping after he saw Midoriya. With another sigh, he moved to put a sweater on. He had decided to take a walk.
"Kachan!" Bakugo watched Midoriya standing in front of another kid. "Stop it Kachan! Or else!"

"Or else what? What are you going to do?" Bakugo laughed, standing with two other people. They had been bullying another kid and Midoriya came running in to protect the kid. They ended up beating the green haired boy, and as they walked away Bakugo took a small glance back. Midoriya was laying on the ground, covered in burn marks. He hated seeing the sight, but he had to do it or Midoriya would never learn.
Bakugo stood with his hands in his pajama pockets. He was standing in the middle of the park he and Midoriya used to play in. He stood there and he realized why he did the things he did. Why he continued to hurt and ridicule Midoriya. It was to protect him. Even after the boy found out he was quirkless, he still had the dream to be a hero. Bakugo bullied him to try and teach him it was useless to for him to be a hero, that if he tried he would probably die. He didn't want that, he didn't want Midoriya to die.

"Crap" Bakugo muttered as he shifted, looking to the sky. He wanted Midoriya to stay behind him, but only to know where he was. He wanted Midoriya to always be near him. The reason he was always thinking about the boy, the reason he wanted him to come home, the reason he got lost in the feeling of green curls. It was all because of one thing.

Standing in the middle of the park while staring at the night sky, Bakugo finally knew the reason for everything.

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