Twelve (Bakugo P.O.V)

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Sorry it took so long, I was at a summer camp for a week and didn't have any time to write.

Bakugo made his way towards school about a week after the attack, his hands in his pockets. He didn't bother to stop by the area where the poster usually was, because the poster was now in his drawer back home. As he passed the now empty wall his eyes narrowed slightly and he shook his head. He couldn't understand the turn of events, he didn't want Midoriya to be dead, but he liked it better when he didn't know where the boy was. The way things were now, Midoriya was his enemy. As long as Midoriya continued to live as a villain, there was nothing Bakugo could do. They'd have to continue fighting each other.

With a sigh he looked to the school, but before he could take a step through the door his vision went dark. Letting out a surprised gasp and moved to attack, but for some reason he couldn't use his quirk. He felt himself being pulled back and struggled against whoever was pulling him.

"We're lucky we got our hands on one of these" Bakugo heard a female voice start talking "His quirk is a nasty one. If we couldn't cancel it out, we wouldn't have been able to grab him"

"Yeah you're probably right. But we really need to get him back to base now." A male voice said "Kurogiri didn't approve us doing this, and I really doubt Deku is going to be happy about us taking him."

"Deku will be really happy! We're going to allow him a chance to get rid of the thing that's been making him upset"

"Whatever, lets just get out of here" Bakugo felt himself being moved, why wasn't anyone helping? It was the middle of the morning. He heard the conversation and his body tensed. They were taking him back to Deku? They were giving Deku the chance to get rid of him? How did they neutralize his quirk? He moved to get away but felt himself get picked, whoever picked him up was getting upset. It wasn't long before he felt himself get thrown onto a ground, the darkness leaving as his hands got tied. He glared as he glanced around the bar, seeing the mist villain, the blonde girl and the stitched up guy.

"You guys, why did you bring this boy here?" The mist, Kurogiri if Bakugo remembered correctly, spoke lightly

"Because!!" Himiko grinned, her face flushing red "This is the reason Deku has been in such a bad mood recently!"

"How do you know that? Deku hasn't said anything about it" Kurogiri sighed

"Because Dabi and I were there. This is the kid that destroyed Deku's last mask, and they obviously knew each other. Plus Deku said this boy was one of those" Himiko turned to face Bakugo and took a couple steps closer to him "Deku's gonna be so happy that he's gonna get to kill you" she grinned. A green bird flew into the room and landed on the counter. Bakugo's eyes widened slightly as he quickly remembered the thing. It was the bird Deku saved back in the day.

"I haven't done anything to Deku that'll make him want to kill me" Bakugo said lightly, looking to Himiko, he was trying to ignore the bird. Himiko frowned lightly.

"Haven't done anything? You bullied him and beat him with your quirk. You destroyed his things and ridiculed him" She said lightly "You've done everything. Because of your words, and someone else, Deku decided to be a villain"

"I didn't do those things to hurt him" Bakugo replied, not denying the fact that he did them.

"Well they did hurt him, and now that you know who he is we can't let you stay alive. You're messing with Deku's head!" Before Bakugo could respond, they all heard some footsteps from the hall. Himiko and Dabi turned to look towards the sound, which allowed Bakugo to see. Standing in the entrance of the hallway was Deku, who obviously just woke up. He was bare footed, wearing some baggy gray sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. His hair was messy and at the moment he hadn't realized what was going on.

"Hey guys.." Deku mumbled with sleep in his voice "Did Katsudon come in here...." his voice trailed off as he noticed Bakugo on the ground. The soft look on his face soon left and what was left behind was an annoyed one. "What the hell?" He mumbled lightly. His green eyes watched Bakugo carefully, and Bakugo stared back. He couldn't say a word to the freckled boy, all he could do was stare.

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