OwO whats this?

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Smii7y x Kryoz
Type: smut

  Jaren had just moved into Johns apartment, barely even getting his room situated. He was careful unboxing, having a few breakables in the last couple of boxes. He sighed, dropping down onto his mattress. Pulling out his phone he opened up his messages.

Hey, get your bum ass in my room and help me before I break your nose.

There wasn't a response for a while, so he sighed and continued working. A sudden door opening startled him though, gasping as y'all man John walked into his room, smiling.

"What do ya need help with?" He asked.

"Just unpack the breakables and put them on my bed while I unpack my drawers n whatever."

The other nodded, slowly opening boxes. He gently reached into them and pulled out various items, from a few crystals to a few family photos. He didn't really mind helping out. Plus it allowed John to snoop around in Jarens belongings.

Once John had finished his job he sighed and looked over to Jaren. Sighing again, making it way more dramatic than last time. Still not being noticed he sprawled over the ground, hand on his forehead. A big ol sigh being let out.

"What. Do you. Want?" The smaller boy asked, spinning around and looking down at the drama queen laying on his floor.

"Nothing." He sighed, turning away as Jaren squatted to meet his eyes.

"Fine. Be like that then. Unpack more boxes if you're bored, don't care where ya put em."

John immediately sat up, moving his bleached hair out of his face he began to search for boxes that may contain some secrets.

And secrets he found.

  His head shifted over to Jaren quickly, seeing if the other saw what he'd discovered. When he saw that his back was turned he slid it up his loose sleeve and continued to look through the box, sighing as he hadn't found anything more. Soon he disappeared without warning to go and hide what he'd found, chuckling as he found his way into his own room.

Jaren rolled his eyes, thinking he'd only snatched away one of his many pairs of red and blue glasses. He didn't bother looking for him again, preferring to work on his own now seeing as he was only being a bug.

It took a little while for Jaren to find which box John had taken from, his eyes widening as he remembered what he'd put in there. He was unsure of what to do now, let alone how to get it back. He hoped John would just tease him about it, and not anything.. worse. He scowled, trying to get those thoughts out of his head before continuing to unpack, his face red with embarrassment and anger.

He groaned when he heard some laughter coming from down the hall, deciding to check it out, knowing John was probably fucking around with the thing he stole. His pace was quick but light, hoping to spook the other before he got the chance to see him.

  That plan didn't go as planned when he walked into the room. His eyes spotted John fidgeting with one of Jarens.. Dildos. His steps soon fled backwards, his face flushed bright red, his eyes meeting the floor.

"What the hell john!??" He said with a shaky voice, still looking away.

"What? You really think I wouldn't take this?" He paused, standing up, "I never knew you were into this kinda stuff."

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