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Drafts: 5
So I'm just gonna give you guys a different ending for 'say it' Enjoy.


"Round two."

Jarens eyes widened in shock, he didn't think he could go anymore. He silently bit his lip before holding his wrists, sore from the tightness of the cuffs. His body still shaking from the shock he got prepared for whatever John were to tell him to do. He might even have fun with it by being a little disobedient. But his voice was still a little too shaky to talk much. A few moments later, John appeared once again. This time he held some rope. Climbing on top of the Canadian he gripped both of his hands, pulling them above his head as he laid on the bed. He made quick movements, tying his hands back together before standing back up again.

"Comfy? Good. Move so your hands are near the head of the bed." John spoke, turning his back once again to grab something else.

"W-what if I don't?" Jaren asked, trying his best impression of a sort of confidence. The soon thrill that came with those words started him up once again. He pressed his lips back together, his body shaking ever so slightly on the bed. His cheeky smile fading away when John spun around, his own devilish smile danced on his cheeks. He soon grabbed the smaller boy and practically lifted him off the bed by the throat.

"You talking back?" John questioned, tilting his head.

  Jarens hands were folding just above johns. He looked as though he was pleading, his eyes almost begging for mercy. Soon enough he was being moved by his wrists to the top of the bed, slowly being tied up. He struggled gently but he was definitely enjoying it. John was now near his waist again, lifting one leg up just enough to find his hole once again. His strokes were slow at first but only to tease the already weak boy.

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