A place like home.

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JctheCaster x Raccooneggs pt. 1
Type: fluff

   They had been talking on the stream for a while now, mumbling about random topics. The chat of course yelling at them to kiss in minecraft, making the boys laugh. They started to ignore it. Or at least JC did. Ezra looked over the words, pressing his hand through his hair before continuing to talk.

  They were talking about loneliness when Ezra started to ramble about it, JC listening intently to what he had to say, almost feeling as though the other was right beside him. His smile moving with every word. He didn't want to put in his own input just yet, as he wouldn't want to interrupt.

"Can I have your bluet?" Jc asked, smiling.

  The conversation continued about the bluets. They laughed again before continuing the deep conversation. The chat was soft too, all kind and attentive to the boys conversation, inputting their own opinions and stories. This was their Homie Talk. A live one.

  Jc started rambling about items that point you in the correct way. Ezra was silent. He loved listening to the others voice, practically falling in love. Not like he already was. He needed to change the subject and shake off that feeling.

Once the stream ended and JC blue balled the entire stream, saying he would sing, they both talked for a while after about whatever. They talked about if either boys could live or just come for a week with one another and what they'd do.

The entire time they were talking about it, Ezra was looking up the prices to fly down to Florida, smiling when he found an affordable price.

"Hey, what weeks do you think you're the most free?" Ezra asked, sounding extremely focused.

"Uhh, 12-22." Jc said, pausing, "why?"

"Uhh, no reason. Just asking, I like knowing."

  A few moments of silence and then Ezra spoke again, smiling. He had just bought tickets to fly out and chill with his boy. Maybe not just chill. Maybe something else. The typing and clicking of his mouse caused jc some confusion, wondering what the other man was doing.

"Racc?" Jc spoke up, wondering what the other was doing.

"Guess what."


"I'm coming to Florida."

Jc stood up from his desk, his voice ringing out in the air. He was so happy and couldn't contain it. Ezra was able to hear the joy through jcs mic, his smile widening. He couldn't wait for the few days he'd be able to be with the man he... the man he loved.

— Time skippey —

Today was the day. Jc was waiting at the airport almost all day, giddy as all fuck. He couldn't wait. He couldn't stop thinking of all the adventures they would have. It was too exciting. His leg was bouncing as he played on his phone, waiting for some sort of text. He had his head held down as he felt a hand on his shoulder, jumping up in surprise.

"Racc!!" He screamed out of impulse, they never really called each other by their real names. He jumped up and hugged the other man, clearly being the tall one, "I didn't think you were that short~"

"Fuck off. I missed you." Ezra said, smiling, playing with his fluffy hair.

The hug lingered for a few moments as neither wanted to let go for the longest time. This wasn't the first time they've met but this time they would be together for longer than a couple hours in two days. Once they did release, they both had smiles on their faces. Jc grabbed Ezra's hand and began leading him out of the airport and to his car, not noticing the blush that fell across the others cheeks. Once they reached the outside of the airport the heat absolutely blasted at both of the boys, one not really noticing and the other well.. heaving and sighing at the sudden change of temperature.

"Holy fuck, it's humid.." he laughed, wanting to get in the car as soon as possible.

"Really? Didn't notice."

Reaching the car they let go of each other as they each jumped into the car. They both began to talk, again, just babbling on about whatever came up into topic. That was just what they would usually do.

They reached the home and stepped inside, Ezra holding his bags. He'd never been inside of Jcs house before, let alone hung out with him for more than a day.

"Well, lets get you unpacked."

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