Say it.

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Type: heavy ass smut

His lip was tender. The gentle nipping at it had slowly begun to worsen. Every time he was around him he couldn't handle it. It was the only non audible release he had. His careful gaze on the taller man led him to lose all thoughts. He needed to see what he could to. He listened to the words as much as he could, trying to find any sliver that would give him a hint at something. If something were to happen, which he doubts, they were home alone. They could do anything. Anything at all. His mind would soon trail on the thought and leave him stranded with whatever morsel of normality was left.

God. He'd let him do anything to him.

It took John a longer time to notice Jarens absence. His eyes soon meeting his, granting a smile from the American. He was always confused where the smaller mans head would go whenever he was talking. Oblivious to whatever sin Jaren was thinking about now.

"You good?" He questioned, cocking his head ever so slightly, "You seem a little out of it."

A moment past before he'd actually respond, trying to regain his control. His patience was growing thin. He needed to say something. But he couldn't. He feared losing a friendship he'd hoped to gain. Losing it would mean losing himself, and that would leave him in a hellhole.

"Yeah, fine." He lied.

John could clearly tell something was wrong, and it felt as though he'd been lying to him about it for the longest time. Saying something was the only way to actually find out.

"I wish you could be honest with me."

Those words startled him, lifting his head once again. What if he caught on? His brain scrambled to recollect itself.

"W-what?" He questioned, "What do you mean?"

"I know you're thinking about something. You can tell me ya know." John spoke gently, moving a hand over and onto the smaller boys shoulder, giving him a soft smile.

"I want you."

There was a moment of silence. Jaren covered his mouth in shock at what he'd just said. That wasn't supposed to be out loud. He's fucked. He couldn't take it back.

"W-what??" John questioned, his eyebrows furrowed. This was a surprise to him. He'd always felt something between the two and now... he had something to continue it. "Really?"

"Y-yeah.." Jaren spoke, looking away now, "I'm s-"

A new movement caused his train of thought to halt. There was a hand on his chin, rotating his face towards the other. There was a smile and a new pressure. Their soft lips were curled around each other, hands removed. Soft hair fell from the American, covering their faces in a blanket like fashion. Jaren had reached his hands up and gripped Johns shirt, pushing them together more and forcing the kiss deeper. In a swift movement John flipped the two and pressed Jaren onto a near counter. Reaching his arms down he picked the Canadian up and placing him onto the counter. His hands found a place against the cold marble.

  Soon, a tongue appeared, sliding over the others lips to ask permission. A gentle movement soon had both of their bodies intertwined in all places. Hands on shoulders and legs wrapped across the back of the leader. The clicking between breaths, their panting faint but noticeable to themselves. This was a desperate act for the both of them. They needed this. The tension had been relieved and now, they can take it wherever they need to.

Jarens hands scrambled, sliding their way into Johns soft hair, gripping ever so slightly. He felt a cold palm soon wrap itself on his hip, moving around and lower to almost grab his ass, but not reaching so suddenly. Their tongues creating differing puzzles every time they shifted. Their mouths disconnecting and connecting in short patterns that could only be memorized by the two. Their hands moved desperately now, trying their best to deepen the kiss, to give them more passion before anything more happened. Jaren was the most flustered, his hands moving from his back to his hair. Lifting his head he felt John move his head down the Canadians jawline, shy whimpers escaping his mouth as he felt gentle pecks at his neck, slowly making its way to his ear.

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