Drunken Love

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Fitz x Swagger pt. 1
Type: fluff

  He had been drinking for the entire night, hanging out with most of the misfits. The only thing that sucked was that Cam wasn't there. You could tell drunk Eric missed him, it was clear on his drunken movements and sighing.

Eric was probably the least drunk there, as he just didn't quite feel as safe as he would with Cameron around. It made him want to stay sober. He left his drink unattended as he followed mason to the dance floor, holding it open in his hand. It was clear that he wouldn't notice if his drink had something a little extra when he came back for another sip.

  It was metallic, but only so subtle that he would barely notice. His vision fell droopy and his words were slurred. Eric's smile slowly left his face and Jay was the first to notice, running up to him and attempting to be responsible. He told Eric to call an Uber to head to Cameron's place.
He did just that.

Toby watched for the Uber as Eric stumbled around him, smiling his ass off. He couldn't wait to see cam again. As soon as the Uber did arrive he hopped right in, waving Toby a good bye and blowing a sweet kiss.

His eyes dropped again as the car moved on. Continually telling himself to keep awake until he made it to cams house. It was a 15 minute drive from where the bar was. Looking down at his phone he had a couple of texts from cam checking up on him, causing his smile to grow wider.

When he reached the house he made an attempt at what he though was a good thank you but was most likely a slur of random words. His body drunkenly made its way into the apartment building and slammed on his door as hard as possible.

"Shut the fuck up, you cunt.." Cameron laughed, pulling Eric in.

"Cam.. I think i-I got druggged?" He said, slurring almost all of it. He fell into Cameron's arms, looking up at him in aw, "You.. are so pretty..,,.,"

Cameron laughed it off and brought him to the bedroom, leaving to go grab water and some food for Eric. He grabbed two cup, pouring both pretty full with water. Next he reached for some popcorn, some sweets, and another soft blanket. Coming back to a very smiley boy. He held his arms out for cam to snuggle, opening his mouth to speak.

"Snuggles from cam?"

He couldn't help but smile at this, "Once you drink all your water. Slowly."

"Okay papa fitz."

After a short while he finished the water and held his arms out again, being met with a larger body pulling him in close. Eric's dark eyes met Cameron's bright ones, arching with his smile. He could help it but to giggle, he was so happy. Eric loved the man who was holding him, but was unsure in his drunk state to actually talk about it. Words flowed out of his mouth as his incoherence soon sobered.

"Cameron.. I love you~" Stretching the words out drunkenly as he raised his hands absentmindedly in the air, then lazily let them fall down down, slapping Cameron's face on their way down.

"Ow fuck!" Cam said, reaching his hands up to his face, "Thank you man, I really appreciate it."

"I mean it."

There was a long pause. Unsure of what exactly to say Cameron simply stayed quiet. The silence stayed for a long moment as he thought. Their breathes short, Eric reached for Cameron's hand, gripping it tightly. He really did mean it.

Their eyes met again, soft gaze and gentle hands they pulled closer together, Cameron leading them into the comfort of each others warmth.

Cameron swiped some of the hair out of Eric's face before planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Go to bed," he paused, "I love you, I'll talk to you about it in the morning."

"I love you too."

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