Last Night

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Smii7y x Fitz
Type: definitely smut. Feels bad? Nah.(suggested by warrior55 <3)
Pt. 1

(In celebration of 100 votes)

Cameron shuffled into his living room, groaning. Last night was a hot fucking mess. Ruffling his hands through his hair he spotted some items lazily tossed around his apartment. His memory was practically wiped, so you could imagine his confusion when he spotted a pair of pants on the couch.

"Oh~! Fuck,, c-cam!!"

His breathing was quite slow, shambling his way into the kitchen to find some sort of Advil. Cam doesn't usually drink, so he wasn't sure why he got so wasted last night. He didn't even bother now, his head was thrumming with a need for water and something other than alcohol in his system. The empty bottles of beer and the few vodka bottles left with a little liquid in them.

"H-holy shit.."

   The pill went down smoothly. His hands reaching for the counter as he tried oh so desperately to shake off the pain that was coursing through him. Rubbing his temples his eyes landing on a specific wall, confused at its significance. Looking away, he rubbed his shoulders. They were really sore for some reason.


  Slowly making his way to the bathroom to see how much of a wreck he was, he had to dodge even more littered clothes. He felt some phantom hands that dragged across his back as he made his way to the mirror. Taking his sweet time to peek at his form. And holy shit.


  Memories from last night cane flooding back, but who? Who was it that he... did? Those answers laid across his bed, in a form that wasn't new enough but yet startled cam. It wasn't the first time he'd brought someone home but yet, this time felt different. Like it meant something.

"Y-yes!! Fu—"

  He dragged himself back out of his room, the images of the other male dragging his fingers across his back shooting through his head. gentle love bites that were placed all over his neck. His temples felt heavy. He needed to remember exactly what happened.

   The night really began when they got to his house. The struggled kisses and narrow breathes. Each word was spoken without noise. Pulling off coat and hoodie, he was pressed against the kitchen counter, the weight of the other against his body. A tight grip on his plain white shirt. He could taste the flavour of rum brushing across his lips, almost addicted to it as it was shared between the two. Their bodies liquid against one another, drowning in each others heat.

Trailing hands began to wander, sliding across the back of the taller man and finding their way to his spine. The cold feeling caused a bit of a drag in the kiss. The taller male dropping his mouth to the smaller males chin. His own hands finding the counter. Left hand finding the curvature of his hips and adding a gentle grip into the situation.

  Two fingers began to trail around the top of his pants. Whispers led them to the bedroom, dropping various other clothing that was still on them. Slowly, Cameron pushed the two onto the bed, pressing the smaller boy into the sheets.

Hey gang,, I know it's short but I just wanted to thank you guys for 100 votes!! Means the world to me, and I'm honestly surprised that it's gone this far. Hopefully soon I'll post the rest, it's just been a tough time for me to get back into writing. School, sports n all that. Thank you guys x

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