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Type: smut

(Big thanks to my best friend Glitch for this fic!! All credit to her.)

Eric whimpered quietly as he desperately pushed down on Cameron's thigh, his oversized black hoodie riding up his hips every with movement.

It was taking a lot from Cameron not to mercilessly take the desperate boy that was now grinding on his growing bulge on his thigh, but suspicion would grow if the stream ended without explanation. There were already many fans assuming the two male's were romantically and sexually involved, and the almost inaudible moans filtering through the mic wasn't helping.

Cameron mumbled under his breath shortly, pressing a short kiss the needy male's forehead as he made a quick excuse, quickly muting his own mic from the stream.

"Cameron, Cameron, Cameron, Cameron.." Eric had moaned out as the stream was muted, his hands clutching the male's cotton shirt tightly in in his fists as he moved again, releasing another slur of moans.

"The fans will hear you if you keep doing this, they're already suspicious about us." Cameron said, moving his leg slightly as Eric buried his face in the crook of the larger male's neck with a whine.

"I'm unmuting myself, if you're silent and behave you'll be treated." Cameron said shortly, chuckling when the brunette nodded eagerly into his neck.

"And I'm back, there was just a small situation.. downstairs." Cameron said as he adjusted his mic towards himself more, biting his lip as Eric had accidentally brushed over his own growing cock. It was amusing to watch Eric's face twist with unannounced desire as removed himself from Cameron's neck, his brown eyes clouded with lust and his bottom lip swollen from biting down to quiet himself.

It was getting harder to concentrate on the monitors in front of his face when his significant other was pleasing himself in only an oversized hoodie and a thin pair of briefs on, it would take one hell of an excuse to cut the stream short by two hours when Cameron promised longer live gameplay than usual.

"Fuck this shit." He said breathlessly, ending the live with those and shutting everything off with haste.

"Knees." Cameron had growled, guiding him off his thigh and instead between them. Eric had simply nodded and made quick work of the blonde's bottom clothing, though was still surprised at the sudden outburst. "You looked like such a whore riding my thigh, a pathetic mess." He said, wordlessly pushing himself fully into Eric's mouth when it had been opened. "You're going to be a good little whore now, right?" Cameron said, more of a commandment than a question as he thrusted into the smaller male's throat. "Take my cock without complaining, right?" He spoke out with a deep groan, only receiving a choked hum and gag in reply.

"Remove the clothes, then lap." Cameron ordered, pushing the male from his cock and watching with a lustful expression as Eric undressed and gently placed himself on Cameron's lap. "Do I get my treat?" Eric questioned gently with a flustered red painted on his cheeks, his ass grinding down gently on the male's cock. "Not yet, I don't have lube available." The tall male hummed with a smirk that had been quickly wiped off his face as Eric bent down, straining his arms to grab the small bottle of lube from his hoodie pocket. "You're an absolute whore." Cameron said with a chuckle, grabbing the bottle and popping it open to pour a generous amount onto his hand.

He lathered his whole cock with the thick substance, allowing Eric to line his entrance up with his now lubricated and slowly sit onto it. "You've been playing with yourself." Cameron stated, pushing his hips up to meet Eric with a groan escaping from both of them.

"That's a lie!" Eric had tried to exclaim, his words cracking and Cameron harshly thrusted into him. "Just be quiet, the only thing I want to hear right now are those pretty little screams." Cameron muttered, hands clasped around the male's hips as Eric slowly started to bounce on his cock.

Eric's eyes rolled back as Cameron started thrusting up harder to meet the brunette's, his mouth opened slightly to release the pleas and helpless moans fell from his mouth.

"Who do you belong to?" Cameron growled, very roughly thrusting into Eric at the same time as he went down.

"A-Ah.. I belong to you and only you!" Eric moaned loudly, the sound of skin connecting and groans filling the room.

It hadn't taken long for Eric to feel the familiar knot forming in the lower section of his abdomen, his untouched cock leaking pre cum as his black painted nails dug into Cameron's back and shoulders.

"I'm going to cum, Cam..." He panted heavily as the mindless bouncing continued, leaning forwards slightly as the taller male's thrusts became slow and sloppy.

"Fuck, me too." Cameron moaned in response, looking up at Eric as his brown eyes squeezed shut.

A long line of swears and moans came from Eric, his twitching cock squirting cum as Cameron had hit against his prostate repeatedly. The white substance pooled at Cameron's stomach as he was thrusted into throughout his orgasm.

"Fill me, Cam.. please!" His high coming down slowly as Cameron grunted, his own cum filling the smaller male as he slowed to a stop.

Eric whined as he collapsed forwards onto Cameron, his eyes shutting as he breathed in male's worn cologne. "You did shut off the stream, right?

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