Inutt x Mccreamy

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Matt has been too busy working on his recent video he'd recorded to notice jay standing in his doorway. His eyes were too focused on getting the right zoom in to work, sighing when it didn't. He leaned back and jumped at the sight of jay, causing a fit of laughter from the smaller boy.

"Hah!" Jay laughed, "I gotcha!"

"Fuck off, cunt," the American chuckled, smiling at how giddy of a mood the other was in. He sighed and stood up, "Where is everyone? Just us?"

"Yup, and I was bored."

Matt sighed and walked out of his room, deciding to take a break from his computer. Rubbing his eyes he was startled once again by jay, screaming his name from upstairs. He was pretty sure that their favourite movie had come on Netflix and they should watch it immediately. Matt decided to go with it and run upstairs, spotting jay on the floor. As usual.

"There's couches you know." Matt sighed, finding a space in the corner of said couch.

"Yeah but the floor is so much more comfy!" He said, receiving a shut up from Matt, making him chuckle.

It wasn't too late at night, so the boys would probably be home soon. He wasn't sure though. Matt opened his phone and texted Toby, getting a response almost immediately. They weren't gonna be home tonight, so they had all the time in the world. Thinking about it, Matt's face flushed red, thinking of what could possibly happen. While he was distracted, jay slowly made his way onto the couch beside him, knowing that the other won't notice what so ever. Once Matt put his phone down he simply paid attention to the movie, still not feeling, seeing or noticing jay right beside him.

Matt had been leaning against the arm of the couch with his legs on the ground, while jay was slowly putting himself onto the other man. That's when he noticed him beside him.

"Yo what the fuck, when'd you get here?" Matt asked, confused.

"I wanted to cuddle.." jay sighed, his voice soft.

Matt sighed again, moving so that they could cuddle. He reached his arm over the smaller man, his face heating up ever so slightly. Jay was definitely blushing as he cuddled up underneath Matt's arm, his smile noticeable. After thirty minutes the silence broke between the two, as awkward as it was, the silence was comforting.

"Hey.. I uhh.." jay paused, thinking over what he was going to say. His face as hot as fucking lava.

"What's up?" Matt asked, looking down at jay who was resting on his chest. The movie still playing in the background.

"I- I really.." jay looked down again, stopping with what he was going to say, too nervous to continue, "Nevermind, it's dumb."

"No, tell me, Jay."

"It was just about the movie. I figured it out.."

The silence ensued for the rest of the movie. Once it ended they separated to go to bed. Matt leaving for his room and jay shambling to his bedroom in defeat. They both listened to the quiet for a long while before deciding to get up.

Matt left his room first, his head down. You can do this Matt. You've got this, letting his thoughts wonder. His eyes shot up as soon as he hit another body, shocked at what he saw. It was jay? Why was he out of bed?

"Sorry.. I couldn't sleep. I was going to try to stay with you.." jay said, his voice quiet.

"I was about to do the same.." Matt said, soon walking back to his room with jay. In the dark you couldn't tell, but both of the boys were as red as the desert on a Sunday, both wanting to say something but never quite saying it. Until they reached the bedroom.

Jay pushed matt against the wall, pressing them together, "I- I really like you Matt.."

The shock ran across Matts face, soon realizing what he could probably do at this moment. Reaching for the other mans face he pressed their lips together, hoping for a good reaction. It took jay a moment to respond, soon deepening the kiss with a smile underneath. It was a saucy make out session before they released, letting themselves to breath.

"Let's head to bed, babe." He smiled, bringing jay into the bed, both of the boys smiling their asses off.

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